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Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:26 am
by SyberJedi
Name - Shovan
Gender - male
DOB - 13/12
Age - 19
Location- Star Stone Weyr

Personality - Straight forth, cautious. Does not easily trust others, after what happened to his older brother. Fun loving, and loyal to a fault with those that he does like and trusts. Has secrets that he keeps to himself.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - dolphins, fishing, Ja'vosh, dragons, swimming, flits
Dislikes - backstabbers, the Weyrleaders at Igen Weyr that banished his brother
Hobbies - painting
Ambitions/Dreams - Wants to follow in his older brother's footsteps and become a dragonrider. Preferably a Bronze like his brother, but would be happy with any dragon that chose him.

Hair - reddish brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 210
Height - 6'5"

Features -

Character Model - Robert Kazinsky

Mother - Soha
Father - Jovan
Siblings - Ja'vosh
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Fishercraft
Rank - Apprentice
Master -

History -Shovan originally hales from Big Bay Sea Hold. He is the younger brother of Ja'vosh, and 8 years younger than his brother. Shovan hero worshiped his older brother as a small child, and tried to tag along whenever possible, which was not very often. When Janovosh was Searched by Igen Weyr, Shovan cried about it, as he wanted to be Searched too, even though he was too young at the time.
At the age of 12 Turns, shortly after Janovosh Impressed Bronze Quenath, Shovan's parents presented him with a fire lizard egg. Shovan was ecstatic. He was very careful with caring for the egg, making sure that it spent time in the sun to keep warm, and tucked under a blanket when it was night time. When it came time for the egg to hatch, he had a pile of fresh caught fish on hand, along with some raw meat to feed it. Shovan took up sleeping in the kitchen of their cothold, in order to have access to the fresh food. When the egg hatched, it started off with two cracks that crossed one another. The egg then exploded, raining shell shards across the kitchen, as the dark chocolate colored flit burst from his shell. Shovan immediately offered the raw meat he had waiting, and stuffed the flit to almost bursting. When he was asked what the flit's name was, Shovan responded My Brown Brother.
When he was 17, Shovan was Searched by Igen Weyr. By that point, Ja'vosh had already been transferred far away to Star Stone Weyr. However, Shovan started learning exactly why his older brother was no longer at Igen. The young man encountered distrust where he turned, mainly aimed at him by the Weyrleaders. They were none too keen on letting him Stand for a Hatching, even though Shovan had been Searched. They were pleased that he was passed over the two times he did Stand for Impression. What made matters worse was the fact that Shovan had a flit, while the other Candidates did not.
Disliking the whole situation at Igen, Shovan requested to be transferred to Star Stone to be a Candidate there.

Dragon -
Name - Kinaeth
Color - Bronze
Sire- Nicorth
Dam- Corianth
Personality - Intuitive and curious. Likes to be told stories and likes to play with flits.
History - Kinaeth was one of the captive clutch that happened while his sire and dam, with their riders, were held prisoner by Enid Ark.
Description - A metallic coloration of his sire, with rosettes in a deep bronze color on his wings, with the same shade as a mask and hood on his face and head.

Fire lizard -
Name - My Brown Brother (Brother for short)
Color - Brown
Sire- unknown
Dam- unknown
Personality - Devoted to Shovan. Goes everywhere with him. Very protective
History - At the age of 12 Turns, shortly after Janovosh Impressed Bronze Quenath, Shovan's parents presented him with a fire lizard egg. Shovan was ecstatic. He was very careful with caring for the egg, making sure that it spent time in the sun to keep warm, and tucked under a blanket when it was night time. When it came time for the egg to hatch, he had a pile of fresh caught fish on hand, along with some raw meat to feed it. Shovan took up sleeping in the kitchen of their cothold, in order to have access to the fresh food. When the egg hatched, it started off with two cracks that crossed one another. The egg then exploded, raining shell shards across the kitchen, as the dark chocolate colored flit burst from his shell. Shovan immediately offered the raw meat he had waiting, and stuffed the flit to almost bursting. When he was asked what the flit's name was, Shovan responded My Brown Brother.
Description - A dark chocolate brown flit, with caramel colored mask, points, and wings

Name: Jaeger
Color: Brown
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
Personality: A quiet little brown that likes to keep close to his friend. He isn't very exploratory, nor does he stray too far from his person's side. He Betweens only when frightfully startled, and he always returns to his person's place of residence and curls up on the bed until he feels safe again. He isn't easy to startle, as this little guy finds himself feeling safest around his person. He is very trusting.
Description: A light, milky brown that is almost beige, his color is perfectly even and smooth. This brown has a wide wingspan.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - The secret he has is that he knows who caused the accident that Ja'vosh was framed for.