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Post by jackharper »

Name – Peter Gregor
Gender – Male
DOB – 06/03
Age – 19

Personality – Amorous and flirtacious, Peter is the kind of persistent flirter that almost always gets the lady he is after. He likes to pretend that he is in love with the women he finds attractive, and has quite a long list under his belt, despite his youth. He is a sweet, kind, and gentle lover, but he will often tell the women what they want to hear in the moment in order to get them to surrender to him. After his affairs are complete, he isn’t the cruel type to ignore his past women or be indecent to them, but once they have fallen out of his range of attractions, Peter doesn’t generally seek them out or purposefully interact with them. After running in with several women at a Hold, Peter often packs his bags and moves to the next location. He displays arrogance, and an ego to contest with, one that is hard to deflate, and even though he isn't that unpleasant to his past conquests, he is quite the difficult person to get along with when he isn't flirting to get into a woman's pants.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes – Women, sexual relationships
Dislikes - Children
Hobbies – Being a good Lover
Ambitions/Dreams – Ride a Brown Dragon, he doesn’t want the responsibility of a Bronze.

Hair - Black
Eyes - Brown
Weight – 200lbs
Height – 6’

Features – Shaggy black hair that is often styled with gel to give the appearance of being neat, and sometimes has dyed red, blue, or green streaks in the long bangs. Peter has nicely tanned skin, as well as a muscled body that he keeps in shape with a daily workout, and His eyelashes are rather thick and long for a male, making his big brown eyes stand out and look almost feminine. Both his arms have black and white tattoo sleeves of various designs, and around his neck he has an intricate tattoo of vines and thorns circling around each other. A bit on the short side, Peter considers himself to be ‘strange looking’ but most young women find him very attractive. Very well endowed, a fact he likes to elude to.

Character Model – Pete Wentz

Mother – Pellar Gregor (Offworld Actress)
Father - Ternil (Pernese Mind Healer)
Siblings – Younger half sister and Younger half brother
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children – Penar (02), Peslar (01), Tertal (04), possibly more that he is unaware of

Craft -
Rank -
Master -

History : Born to an Offworld Actress and a Pernese Mind Healer, Peter had a typical childhood. Nothing traumatic or life changing happened to him as a child. He was raised on Melorica, and often felt ignored by his mother's devotion to her career. This led Peter to begin exploring sexuality and his interest in receiving affections from women at the ripe young age of 12. He acquired his intricate tattoos from a tattoo artist on Melorica.

After finding out that his father was from Perm, Peter traveled to the planet to discover the second side of his heritage. He found Perm girls quite agreeable, and decided to stay among them. Peter began to travel from Hold to Hold, picking up odd jobs and lovers, wherever he went until he got bored and decided to move on. He never settled into a Craft, never settled into a Hold, and never settled into a long term relationship. If he found out he had impregnated a women, he would leave as soon as the news came. He knows of three sons that he has, and possibly more, but he doesn’t keep track of any of them.

Hemmy, a bulldog, was acquired as a gift from one of his many lovers, at Cove Hold, and Peter grew an attachment to the dog and now travels with him.

Peter finally came to Star Stone Hold when he was 17 where he began to settle, slightly. He was still taking many lovers, but not getting any pregnant, and not causing enough trouble to be asked to leave. At the age of 19 he was Searched after the devastating Plague that had infected the Western Continent. Peter happily left his predictable life in the Hold and headed for the Weyr to chase a dragon egg, and female riders!


Name: Spike
Color: Brown
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
Personality: Unable to become bored, this little flit is constantly playing games with himself, or anyone and anything. Even if that someone or something isn't playing back, he still manages to keep himself entertained until something more exciting shows up. With a short attention span, he is always getting distracted and it is hard to give him tasks that he will be able to complete on his own.
Description: Brown with molten red-bronze streaks.

Name: Lady
Color: Green
Sire: Forte
Dam: Grace
Personality: A real drama queen who likes looking her best and acting flirty. She likes cold sweet fruits, hates things that smell bad, and likes to steal small, freshly cleaned clothes from Hers.
History: Hatched in the Boy's Barracks at Star Stone Weyr. Special Friend to Peter.
Description: Pale, mint green, who is small and petite.

Pets -
Name - Hemmy
Species - Bulldog
Personality – Loyal and completely devoted to Peter
History – Born at Cove Hold and gifted to Peter
Description – White with brown patches

Notes - Born on Melorica
Last edited by jackharper on Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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