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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:46 am
by Moon
Name - Meeko
Alias - Meek
Gender - Female
DOB - 07/23
Age - 20

Personality - She's the type to give everything she has to those she cares about and even those she see's in need of silent support. She is starting to come out of her shell, as Capriath relates everything she learns first to her and then to other Weyr life members. She'll often be found laughing quietly while this is happening. She loves to sit in the sun and eat her own baked delights.

She has no real idea what to make of her new situation, but is inclined to watch and perhaps take notes (offering support or advice on the side) if there is an obvious need for it.

Meeko has a hidden side of herself, one where she will listen to gossip and not alert others to her presence until most of what was said was done. Her curiosity plays into this bit of behaviour, where her love of gossip comes into play. Often times, she'll write this information down and stores it. She's careful with her timing in this, as she likes to hide her information close at hand, most likely in her clothes press.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 148 lbs.
Height - 5'11"

Features - She has a full figure. She keeps her hair in a braid, bun, or ponytail. She wears a simple bracelet on her right wrist thats been in her family for ages. The metal is worn and she can often be seen rubbing her thumb across the band, especially when something as her nervous.


Character Model - Lara Dutta

Mother - Magee (mother, d.)
Father - Malor (father, d.)
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Green Rider
Rank - Wing Rider, Search and Rescue Wing
Master -

History - Meeko was born into a very mild mannered family when they least suspected another child. Her father was a 45 turn old retired seaman who baked for his familys bread. Her mother, was at the time 39 turns old and didn't really make much of the expected child. The took the situation at face value and made the best of it.

Meeko was born nine months later on time and was named as per the customs of Pern. Her family lived in Southern Weyr until her thirteenth turn and then moved them to a northern for a reason that went unexplained to Meeko. (Unkown to Meeko) The brother-in-law is an apprentice healer, likely being taught by his mother in law. He married Kaliga out of reflex, and when a scandal involving a fling with a female greenrider came up, he thought, lets just move. Meeko's parents decided to follow them to be near their first grandchild, and Meeko was along for the ride...

At 14, she was Searched and placed in the Candidate classes of Southern Weyr, eventually transferring to Ista where she would one day Stand. She has a lot of pride in the fact that she was chosen to stand and even has that same pride placed in her dragon. Unsure of herself, Meeko avoided the normal route of finding to many things with the experimentation project and asked (someone) questions about this.

In her childhood, Meeko was apprenticed as a baker to her father. In her secret dreams, Meeko often dreamed of riding a dragon or being a part of their world in whatever manner she could think of. Whenever she has a free moment, she would slip close and recite her creations of poetry to the dragons sunning themselves on the heights.

She doesn't have many strong emotions, but she is quite unsure of what to make of her fellows, though she feels bad for the ones who are often picked on. Her dragon merely finds amusement in the antics of her clutch mates.

Name: Capriath
Color: green
Personality: Capriath is inclined to be as gossipy as Meeko. Everyone and everything is fair game when she decides to stick her nose in. She has a protective streak and a rather unsettling way of staying absolutly still as she watches and listens to others go about their activities. She also loves to recite her riders thoughts to others. Her favorite targets are coming to be the ones she considers proud, arrogant, and full of themselves.
History: Capriath tumbled out of her shell with all the grace of a rampaging bull. Finding Meeko hovering in the darkest shadows of the hatching sands, she loudly proclaimed to all present that the girl was hers. She promptly began to turn Meeko's life upside down and anyone else who came along was equally fair game.
Description: Pale green with a slight forest green tinting the edges of her eyes, almost like mascara or eyeliner

Name: Flip
Color: Blue
Personality: Patient until he sees something he wants... Then he will stop at nothing to get to it. Flip can usually be found sleeping in only the softest places right after achieving his goal. He abhors anything that glitters.
History: Flip was hatched to Meeko and Capriath on
Description: Dark blue, with a pale blue strip streaking down his back and across his shoulders. The tip of his tail is also the same light blue.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - has a young son named Koll (sp) expanding history