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What I do in my spare time when plotting

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:20 am
by Moon
Bet some of you have hobbies that you're pretty sure are odd. So, let's share. :D

One is the fact I plot. (I've targeted new characters for a new plot.... :p)
Two is writing. (Fics, posts, other stuff)
Three is character creations. (Astrid anyone? Oh, wait, no, I got a different idea... Oh, cool. He's awesome.... Yeah, plotting for Astrid is awesomely coming along now.)
Four is music. (lalalalalalalalalala lala la laaaaaaaaaaa)
Five is researching.(Wow, we have a plague? Huh, wondered how that started....)
Six is actually making up new words or expanding my existing vocabulary. I'm trying to learn six other languages at the same time. (I especially do this when I feel like cursing. It doesn't always work...)
Seven is AVATAR CREATION.... :D (These are fun. I'll share my favorite links one of these days. You can decide for yourselves then which ones you like best.)

And that brings me to my current post. :p So, what are your hobbies?

Re: What I do in my spare time when plotting

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:27 pm
by jackharper
My hobbies:

1. Writing (Includes but not limited to: novels, short stories, poetry, lyrics, journaling, fanfiction, blogging.....)

2. Playing Cello (Playing and Writing Music)

3. Trying to put my written music to my written lyrics

4. Sewing, knitting, altering old clothing to be wearable again

5. Hobby Farming (in the future I would like: vegetable patch, herb garden, 2 llamas, 1 horse, 4 chickens, and 3 dwarf goats)

6. Listening to music (Must Have Constant Background Noise!)

7. Reading (I stick to the genres I like to write: paranormal, fantasy, sci fi, erotica)

Re: What I do in my spare time when plotting

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:59 pm
by SyberJedi
My hobbies are as follows-

1. STAR WARS! If it pertains to Star Wars, I'm interested. I have so much Star Wars stuff, I am literally putting together a catalog of what all I have, along with packing a lot of it away. I just don't have enough room to display all of it.
2. My cats. I love felines. I currently have 3 at the moment- C.C., Isis, and Phaedra.
3. Traveling, especially to sci-fi cons. Cons are a lot of fun.
4. Reading. I love to read. I spend a lot of time reading. I never go anywhere without a book. I have so many books that I've invested in a Kindle Paperwhite, because I'm running out of room for bookshelves.
5. Computers- I'm an internet junkie. I spend hours online, easily. I also enjoy some computer games, like Star Wars The Old Republic MMO.
6. Roleplaying- such as Dungeons & Dragons, among other games. Related to this is the fact that I'm a dice junkie. I love dice. I have well over 200 dice and I still want more.
7. Playing Sims 3.
8. Music. I love music and I listen to a variety of it. My all time favorite group is the Country group Alabama. My current favorite group is Imagine Dragons.
9. Watching my son play football.