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Post by jackharper »

Name – Ari Grand
Gender - Female
DOB – 09/14
Age - 18

Personality – Outgoing and without a shy bone in her body, Ari is very friendly, always approaching new people to talk to, and making friends wherever she goes. She is the type of person to be alone at a concert or dance or party of some kind, only to meet and make friends with several different people, male and female alike, and usually becomes the center of entertainment. She lives to preform and entertain, knows how to capture and keep an audience, loves to perform in musicals so she can act and sing. She has a beautiful singing voice, and is able to step into nearly any role she is given to portray, since she has such vast experience with friends and people of all walks of life and personalities. She is generous and charitable.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes – Pern, Acting, Singing, Entertaining
Dislikes – being alone
Hobbies – acting and singing
Ambitions/Dreams – Ride a Gold Dragon

Hair – Dyed Dark Red
Eyes - Brown
Weight – 152lbs
Height – 5’5”

Features – Ari wears her hair down to her waist. She keeps it dyed a dark, unnatural red that stands out against her pale skin. Her lips are usually covered in a light coating of gloss, and she prefers wearing sundresses made of light fabric. She isn’t extraordinarily tall or beautiful, but she has a slender and slightly petite figure, compared to Pern women. Ari likes to dress up and feel pretty. Loves to accessorize with flashy jewelry.

Character Model – Ariana Grande

Mother – Maddie Grand (Vet, Large Animals)
Father – Dresden Grand (Doctor, Surgeon)
Siblings – Gracey (10), Brock (12)
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children - None

Career – Acting and Singing
Degree – Performing Arts
School – Prep School


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History – Born on Yarra, Ari showed an interest in acting and singing from a very early age. Her parents wanted to develop her skills, so they sent her to various prep schools where she earned certificates and degrees in Performing Arts. Ari was often pressured by her parents to be the absolute best and pushed to succeed and concentrate, never giving her time to play or make friends. They wanted her to practice and preform whenever she could. Ari enjoyed performing and entertaining, and even though she is very friendly, most of her time is still spent on perfecting her talents rather than cultivating relationships.

Ari never had much of a relationship with her siblings, since she was off in prep school so often, and they were several years young than her.

After attending various prep schools, her parents wanted to send Ari through the stars, literally, to send her to other high end, long term higher educational schools to perfect her skills. When she was seventeen, she packed up her life on Yarra and headed into space, her destination was not known to her, only that she would be going to a very good school, intergalactically known for acting and singing. During her travels, Ari’s transport ship had a malfunction and they stopped at the Pern Space Station to make repairs. For three months the ship was stranded, and in that time Ari visited the planet Pern on several occasions. When the ship was ready to leave, she was not, so Ari remained behind, against her parents’ wishes, but what were they to do planets away?

Ari entered into Candidacy at Star Stone Weyr. She knows it could take a long time, but she is hoping to ride a Gold Dragon one day.

Dragon -
Name: Padmeth
Color - Green
Sire- Apostelth
Dam- Tianiath
Description- A sparkly green color with a golden sheen. Tiny and dainty. Almost delicate looking. A throwback in size to the first dragons.

Personality- Likes to be the center of attention. Outgoing and friendly, a show off. Almost a prima dona. Extremely intelligent, loves to carry on long conversations with her rider. Loves to swim and be bathed and oiled. Dislikes being messy.

Egg Description- Crystal Moon Egg. This is a medium sized egg thats sitting on the sand slightly tilted. It has a funny coloring to it. Its a grey egg with darker spots and funny rings that are lighter in color. When you are up close you can see the spots with their rings better. They resemble craters. On closer inspection one would think this egg resembled Earth's moon.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes – Home planet is Yarra
Last edited by jackharper on Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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