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Soha (PNPC)

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:15 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Soha
Gender - female
DOB - 11/14
Age - 55
Location- Big Bay Seahold

Personality - loyal and devoted.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Jovan, her sons, dolphins
Dislikes - Igen Weyr
Hobbies - fishing
Ambitions/Dreams - To have grandchildren

Hair - light brown/silver
Eyes - light brown
Weight -
Height -

Features -

Character Model - Jane Seymour

Mother -
Father -
Siblings -
Spouse - Jovan
Partner -
Children - Ja'vosh (Janovosh), Shovan- sons
Grandchildren- Navon

Craft - Dolphineer
Rank - Master
Master - Niagli

History - Growing up at Big Bay Seahold, Soha knew from a young age that she wanted nothing more than to be a Dolphineer. As soon as she was free from Harper lessons, she would make her way to the dock that the Hold's Dolphineers worked from, and pester them to learn all she could. She was officially apprenticed to them at the age of 12 Turns, after she returned from the school at Landing.
At the age of 17, she was Searched for Igen Weyr. However, Soha turned them down. She had nothing against dragons or those who rode them. However, she had worked too long and too hard to get where she was among the Dolphineers, that she refused to give that up. Besides, she had already met Jovan and had set her eye on him.
At the age of 20, Soha would walk the tables to become a Journeyman Dolphineer. Six months after that, she and Jovan would marry. They set out to have a baby, but in spite of getting pregnant several times, Soha was incapable of carrying a child to term.
Soha was 26 when she finally had her first child, a boy named Janovosh. She and Jovan rejoiced in their son, who bore a strong resemblance to his mother. Going against tradition, Soha and Jovan did not foster Janovosh out.
Eight Turns later, Soha would give birth to her last child, a son named Shovan. Like they did with their oldest son, they repeated it with their youngest, and kept him home. Soha rejoiced in the fact that both her sons seemed to be interested in their father's craft and looked to be following in his footsteps.
When Janovosh was Searched by Igen Weyr at 14 Turns, Soha allowed her son to make the choice if he wanted to go or not. She cried a little after he had left to the Weyr.
Upon hearing that her son had Impressed Bronze, Soha hunted down information about a clutch of flit eggs. Managing to get one, she gave it to Shovan.
Eventually the day came that Shovan was Searched by Igen Weyr. And he followed his brother's footsteps and went. Soha, again, cried a little. Her youngest son was now gone.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
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Fire lizard -
Name - Ocean
Color - Blue
Personality - A helpful creature, and one who loves to play in the water, and play with dolphins.
History - The egg was a gift to Soha from Insha, after both Ja'vosh and Shovan left home for the Weyr. The egg hatched a day later, in Soha's hands, revealing a blue flit the color of the ocean's water, with darker blue rosettes. Soha named the little guy Ocean, and started training him to help her with her work.
Description - a Caribbean blue color, with darker blue rosettes.

Pets -
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