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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Manon
Gender - female
Designation - XM-00057 aka RM-00057
Partner - Rik Malcom
Holo Images - Marina Sirtis and Hugo Weaving

Personality - Full of good humor, doesn't really appreciate pity, tends to flicker her holo image between male and female as well as altering her synthetic voice to match. Manon loves good jokes. Shell people jokes, knock knock, gags, and the Three Stooges. Her quirks are often full of useful advice that never seems to be quite right. She dislikes anyone being in the same room as her Shell as all the horror stories she'd learned as an adolescent left her easily wary. Manon's preference for a pair of images is a reflection of this fear. Another thing she largely worries about is personal relationships. She prefers to admire and to be admired from afar than in close quarters.

History - Manon was born completely paralyzed from the chin down to her toes. Early tests prior to birth indicated that she just might have what it would take if she was placed in the Brainship program. Faced with the choice of terminating the pregnancy and trying again or giving their first born child to a group of people that worked to save the lives of the unfortunate, Manon's parents decided giving her up was their only option as raising her to be dependent on machines and people for the rest of her life was against everything they wanted for her. This way, their intelligent daughter would have some control over what she did with the rest of her life.

When Manon was six and living with others like her, she was studying old folktales when she fell in love with the idea of knights and princesses. Though she was being raised to fulfill a later role in her life as someone reliable, Manon loved games. Especially those where she could pretend to be someone else. She was largely a fan of classics re-enacted by other Brains and their Brawns.

By the time Manon graduated into full Brain status, she was declared as being full of mischief, yet reliable enough that most tasks were taken care of before people even knew she had done it. While being unable to physically pull any pranks, Manon still loves a good joke. Or a really lame knock knock joke....
I will EDIT! :o
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