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Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:15 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Mahlie
Gender - female
DOB - 3/2
Age - 10
Location- Star Stone Weyr
Personality - Spunky, determined, independent,
Hair - sandy brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 65 lbs
Height - 4'9"

Features -


Character Model - Chelsea Hertford

Mother - Mila
Father - Elam
Siblings -

History - Mahlie doesn't know where she was born. Her parents tended to travel a lot, and they always dragged her with them. She wasn't sure if they were Holdless or once part of a trader's train, and decided to part ways with it. All she can recall is that they never stayed in one place for very long, and that it was hard to learn her Harper lessons because of it. Shortly after her tenth Turning day, Mahlie woke up and discovered that her parents had left without her. She tried to find them, to no avail. So she set off on her own, in the direction that she thought that Star Stone Weyr lie. After several days of traveling, she encountered a flit nest. Mahlie was excited. However, upon examining the nest, it looked as though only one egg remained intact. Tearing off a bit of cloth from her skirt, and carefully packing sand around it, Mahlie took the unhatched egg with her, naming it Yado.

Dragon -
Name - Keliath
Color - Gold
Sire- Nicorth
Dam- Corianth
Personality - Protective and fierce. Maternal. Loyal.
Description - A rich butter gold in color, with a darker band of antique gold on her head knobs, hands, feet, spine, tail, and the leading edge of her wings.

Fire lizard -
Name - Yado
Color - Blue
Sire- Unknown
Dam- Unknown
Personality - This flit loves spices, flowers, and favors early morning hours. Likes meat rolls made from fish. He is thin and wiry. Likes music and loathes ink.
History -
Description - Blue, with a butterfly's pattern on his wings. His head knobs are a dark blue, with splotches of the same blue across his shoulders and wings. His hind legs each have large spots that seem to lighten as they get closer to his feet.

Pets -

Likes - sunsets, stars, flits, homes, Astrid
Dislikes - her parents, and not having someplace to call home, sand
Hobbies - talking to her egg, walking, reading and singing when able to do so
Ambitions/Dreams - To have a place where she belongs and can call home