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Post by Talen »

Name - Silute
nickname Lute L'te
Gender - male
DOB -12/1
Age -20

Personality - He is very social creature. He tends to also be very friendly. He likes being surrounded by people as if he has a need to be surrounded by them. He prefers to have a ton of friends the kind of friends that know you and just don’t hang out with you just because they need something but because they care for you and wish to be with you. He wouldn’t know what to do without them for he doesn’t like to be alone it makes him sad when he not surrounded by others. He does tend to enjoy the beauty in all things great and small. And he is known to find beauty in the most unlikely of places.

He isn't always quiet and shy. But there does tend to be times when he can be loud and talkative when he’s on a subject of beauty he could talk for hours on it. One downfall tough is that he can be very compliant and obedient. He’d rather just go with the flow then make any waves so usually just listens to what he is told to do. He would especially listen when it’s an authoritative male figure one that he respects and follows because he believes in him. He wants to please others and be pleasing to others no matter what he wishes for himself as long as he is noticed and befriended.

Sometimes due to his willingness to please others he tends to be easily mislead by others into doing what they want instead of him doing what he wants. Because his desire to please them outweighs his own wants and needs. He may even gravitate to a fatherly male figure to please cause of him missing his own father so much.
He tends to lean in towards people that he admires or likes almost hanging on their every word. He seems to be quite sometimes whenever he is admiring art or nature he can remain still for a long time But in the next breath he can be energetic specially when he has a topic that he gushing on..

He has many Strengths.He is honest to a fault. He doesn't hold back when he speaks his mind and will tell you just how it is. No matter what. He has an inability to tell a falsehood and when he tries to his body language gives him away every time. He can also never meet anyone's eyes if he tried to tell someone something that isn't completely true. Silute is one of the most easy going people that there is. He doesn't let much of anything bother him at all. He rolls with the punches so to speak and learns to adapt quickly. Though he hates change he can handle anything thrown at him.creative His mind knows no boundary when it comes to creativity. Especially when he works with glass. He can make designs in the glass that will make a woman drool. Even does sometimes make things that are small and very delicate as well. Glass can be molded into almost anything from useful glasses to tiny trinkets.

Weaknesses: Pushover He is easily persuaded to do things. Easy to manipulate to go with what someone wants him to do. Doesn't Question Authority He doesn’t question commands and will follow directs of the superiors. He doesn’t like to make waves. complacent He likes to let thing stay as they are doesn’t really like change much. He prefers things to follow the path that he already knows.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - He likes art as simple as that. He like beauty and nature and all things that make up the loveliness of the world. It can be both beautiful and original. To him Art is not only elegant but simple and pleasing in nature and everything all around him. He likes sweets but then what young man doesn't like sweets. His sweet tooth though is especially fond of pies. So bubblies has become his favorite sweet not like he will avoid the other sweets though. Having more friends then he can count on his fingers: He likes people and likes being with people and making friends. He never likes to be alone and enjoys spending as much time with others as he possibly can. He likes to please people especially males cause it makes him feel special and good inside to be pleasing and liked and thought well of. He has a very fondness also for dragons he likes to watch the beauty of them flying threw the air. To him that is a very special kind of art. He could watch them for hours.
Dislikes -Being alone: He hates to be by himself. The feeling of being alone fills him with fear. He likes people and wants to be with them. He can’t stand to be alone for any length of time before he’ll go out and seek companionship. Sometimes though that will get him into trouble cause when he feels alone he will seek any warm body to fill the loneliness.abrasive individuals: These people tend to rub him the wrong way. when he is around them he feels like he's in sand and its rubbing his skin raw. They are always self-absorbent and never at fault. They tend to blame others for their mistakes since they can't take the blame for their own mistakes passing them on to others instead. And are always taking advantage of people that are not as skilled at things as they are. manual labor He doesn’t like meaningless chores. He finds them boring and totally not worth his time. He sees it as a punishment to be asked to do repetitive tasks of meaningless chores. especially ones that take a lot of strength and effort on his part. Not that he is lazy. He'll do them reluctantly if he is given a good reason for the necessity of doing them. But he really hates to do them.
Hobbies - He enjoys singing and creating new things mostly dabbles in glass working.
Ambitions/Dreams - He inspires to bring beauty to the world with his voice and art.

Hair - black
Eyes - black
Weight - 175
Height - 5'11
Features - Silute has beautiful jet black eyes though they do look to be too large on his face. His hair is black with neatly trimmed bangs and it falls just pass his ears and along the back of his neck. He has pale skin and he usually sports a sunburn on his skin because his overly fair skin that seems to be incapable of holding a tan. Therefore he is doomed to constantly have his face peeling. His body is sleek and slender with him only being 5’11 in height though he has some muscle tone in his body. He carries himself most elegantly.

Dressing Style: He likes beauty and colors so he likes to sometimes dress nicely and in bright colors. He is always looking for new and unique clothing to wear. He only wears dull colored clothing when he is doing work that he's get the nice clothing dirty so he will dress down for the job.


Character Model -Avan Jogia

Mother: Silesia Rank: Journeyman cook
Father: Ranuet Rank: Master Glass-smith
Siblings: Rasia, Lura, Shandee
Spouse - n/a
Partner - n/a
Children -n/a

Craft - Harper
Rank - journeyman
Master -

History - Silute was born to Silesia and Ranuet at first he was a only child till his sister Rasia was born. a few years passed and his second sister Lura was born. a year later his brother the youngest was born they had named him Shandee. Shortly after the youngest brother was born Silute declared he was going to apprentice with the harpers. As he had a lovely gifted singing voice though his true passion was for art and he enjoyed learning glass-working with his father. He felt that singing and playing and teaching was a art all its own and to teach others would be more fulfilling then just creating beautiful things. Though he still took trips home occasionally and worked on things. Little did he know that fate would soon deal him another card and he would be chosen to stand. He never imagined that he would of been he was so focused on learning and the art of music that his mind barely registered it when the blue Searched him.

Dragon -
Name - Lorenth
Color -Bronze
Sire- Nicorth
Dam- Corianth
Personality - The tale teller, this flighty bronze always has a adventure to tell as his eyes shimmer with the joy in the telling. He’ll always have a story waiting to tell his rider an adventure or whatever he’s seen that day.
History - Next up was the Captive spirit Egg that was blue all over that had a black crackle that made it look almost marble in appearance it shook it wobbled and it rolled a short distance from the other eggs and then it exploded open in a massive release of egg shards flying everywhere. There in the middle of the mass destruction of the egg lying in tiny piece all around him was another bronze dragon He was a pale iridescent bronze with his wings being a lighter shade then his body giving them almost a translucent appearance. His eyes scanned around the area falling upon the one boy with dark hair and dark eyes. He looked up at him and chirped in greeting. Hello L'te, I am Lorenth, My belly is empty and I wish to eat can you help me with that. Lorenth replied in a soft even voice. Hatching was a grand adventure we will have more of them you and I and tell about them.
Silute looked surprise when the bronze looked up and chirped at him and then spoke. "yes yes, we shall get you feed, Lorenth. " He smiled in pure joy at his handsome bronze. "I would like to have many adventures with you too Loreth. " He wrapped his arms around the endering bronze and looked up " His name is Lorenth"
Description - The tale teller, this flighty bronze always has a adventure to tell as his eyes shimmer with the joy in the telling. He’ll always have a story waiting to tell his rider an adventure or whatever he’s seen that day

Name:Sora (meaning sky)
Color: Brown
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
History: hatched
Personality: This brown flit is very social. He loves to greet everyone and everything. He is a chatterbox, it is nearly impossible to get him to be completely silent, unless he is asleep. He enjoys looking at pretty things, whether it be art, people, other flits, jewelry, he has impeccable taste for a little guy.
Description: Moderately brown with sparkling gold mask and points.

Name; lilandra
Color - green
Sire- Gunther
Dam- Ryu-chan
Personality - a shining star she loves to be loved and noticed by all. She blinks her and there as if starving for attention and there no one she doesn't like. A social butterfly like brown Sora they are a perfect pair together.
Description - A bright emerald green with a lemon yellow face, wings, and tail tip

Name; Hex
Color - bronze
Personality - This tiny bronze is a force of his own always fluttering about speeding around in flight. He can't seem to stay still in once spot very long then he is off again.
Description - a deep almost copper colored bronze with a lighter shade under his belly and along his neck.
Last edited by Talen on Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:32 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Silute

Post by Moon »

Approved. Good job. :D Looking forward to having Silute active... Very active.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Silute

Post by SyberJedi »

Other than the fact that you might want to make this a Glass crafter instead of a Harper, I see nothing wrong with this character. Approved. However, it's up to you if you change is craft.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown

Re: Silute

Post by jackharper »

Looks like a lot of good work and thought were put into Silute. I approve.
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