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Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:41 pm
by KBear
Name - A'lf
AKA: Ralphie Nator
Gender - Male
DOB - 8/12
Age - 15

Personality - Quiet and withdrawn most of the time. His parents wanted a girl but got him instead. So, he looks more like a girl then the boy he wished he could be. His mother called him Sweetums, his father just ignored him. Kids teased and bullied him, called him names and followed him around taunting him. It wasn’t until he was 10 that he found out that “Sweetums” wasn’t something you called a boy.

No one in his class knew he was one except for being caught coming out of the girls restroom one day by a class mate who had snuck in there to put some nasty thing that was guarenteed to make a girl squeel. The lad caught Ralphie standing to use the loo instead of sitting down. And of course the one time he didn’t shut the door behind him, had the other boy running from the restroom yelling that Sweetums was a boy using the girls loo.

The resulting conversation between his mother, father and head teacher was embarrassing. His father had said nothing of course, preferring to stare straight ahead at nothing. But his mother chit chatted and made arrangements for the Head Teacher and her family to come for dinner some day soon. The results were, “you will now use the boys bathroom.” And everyone left. Ralphie to class where they teased him terribly and his father to the Bridge and his mother to go ‘shopping’, her way of handling another Sweetum problem.

When he was alone or with the few friends he had he acted more like himself, hiding his pale blond hair under his shirt in a hidden braid. But around his parents he was forced to dress and act more feminine and that braid had to be over his right shoulder at all times. He wore pants and nice shirts, thank goodness he wasn’t forced to wear dresses.

Out of self defense, he chose to stay quiet. This kept him out of trouble with his peers. Times would find him hiding somewhere on the Space Station that Orbited Mars where he could just be himself. Everywhere he went Pooh went. Pooh didn’t care if he was boy or girl, the little black Pomeranian loved him for himself.

Why he didn’t come out a blooming idiot he didn’t know. But when the day came that they were going to travel to someplace way out in no where, that they stopped at the Dragon Station on their way. One look at the beautiful creatures that were pushing astroids away from the Station was all it took. A tiny cousins of those large creatures were flying here and there. It fascinated Ralphie, he so wanted one of his own, big and small.

It didn’t take much to convince his father he could be ride of the embarrassing Ralphie once and for all when one of the big blues decided he would make good Dragon Riding material. After signing all the necessary papers, his parents said their good bye’s. It was the first time in a long time his father looked at him, shook his hand and said: “Make me proud.” His mother hugged and kissed him to pieces and at the last minute thrust poor little black Pooh in his arms before spinning on her heels and entering the ship bound for the frontier.

This was how Ralphie ended up on Pern. And happy to be here. He sure missed ‘Nobody’ though.

Sexual Preferences - Undecided

Likes - being a boy, space and his pet dog Pooh
Dislikes - being a girl, being picked on and bullies, pretending to be something he is not
Hobbies - Jackie Chan movies, martial arts.
Ambitions/Dreams - Dragons, Dragons, flits and dragons. Being a rider and being liked and respected for who he was.

Hair - light blond and waist length
Eyes - green
Weight - 120
Height - 5’0” due for a growth spurt

Features - Slight build, green eyes and light blond hair that’s kept in a braid. There is a light spatter of freckles across his nose and cheeks. He really didn’t have a build at this point but there were signs of him being muscular later on. He is kinda scrawny at the moment.


Character Model - Neil Patrick Harris

Mother - Georgianne Nator
Father - General Ralph Nator - Captain of Mars Station
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

History - Ralphie Nator is the only child of General Ralph Nator who was in charge of security on the Space Station, and Georgianne Nator who was the uppity social bee of this slowly swirling mass that floated quietly above Mars. There was nothing he didn’t have or could get if he stole it. His parents believed in “Earn it” over presents. Or as better put by his mother, “I’m not going to give you everything, I don’t want you spoiled. Now straighten your hair, don’t stand like that, geeze Sweetums wipe that look off your face.” (Picture Ralphie rolling his eyes)

Ralphie made friends with another outcast, a little boy that was the same age for much smaller. Together the pair grew more independent and learned to find themselves. They pretended to be Pirates and Spaceship Captains, Brains or Brawns. It was a lot of fun and they learned a lot about close friendships.

They scavenged the Station for unwanted things and found a video recorder where they could play some old Earth vids. The favorite was Jacky Chan. They admired the way the actor always came up on top. The martial arts they practiced and learned how to defend themselves. One day Ralphie had to use his ‘Chan moves’ as he called it against another lad in class. It was so easy and happened so quickly. The bully went down and Ralphie was amazed it worked and then ran away because he knew he would be in very much trouble with his parents for fighting.

Ralphie never knew that boys name, he just called himself nobody. “I’m nobody” was what the lad would say. With Ralphie sneaking things from the Galley, Nobody started filling out. Ralphie took his homework and taught ‘Nobody’ how to read and things. With the extra help the boys learned quickly.

Dragon - Captive embrace egg This egg is the swirl of green mixed with brown earthy tones giving it a camouflaged appearance

Name: Blinketh
Color - Bronze

Personality - Brave and daring but not too smart. Things work more on instinct then on purpose. Blinketh is dependable in a pinch it will help make up for lack of smarts. He loves to try new daring things but doesn't learn them to fast. Once he does learn it it acts on instinct. He loves his life mate fearcely and is very over protective. He growls like a dog when he doesnt like somdthing or some one. especially if they seem like a threat to HIS

History - The egg split right around the middle sending the top flying off into the boys that were standing near it. The little Bronze whose coloring resembled a gold seam in a mine shaft rolled out of the egg bowled into Ralphie sending him sprawled on his butt in the sand.

(A'lf A'lf A'lf...Here I am, your Blinketh is finally here for you. Surprise mine mine... ohhhhhhhh...did I hurt you? I didn't mean to hurt you.) Blinketh cried. The still wet hatchling put his head gently against A'lfs chest as he whinned in sorrow. "His name is Blinketh" A'lf said as he wrapped his arms around the sad baby in front of him. "You didn't hurt me Blinketh. I was already hurt. I am very surprised to see you. Are you sure?" A'lf asked as he rubbed the little bronze eyelids. Yes yes yes, I am VERY sure you are mine mine mine. I'm hungry can we go eat? Pleaaaasssee?) Blinketh whinned. A'lf could feel his hunger and his stomache growled loudly.

"If you back up just a little and let me hold on to your neck I will get up and we will go feed you." Doing as he was asked, Blinketh moved enough for A'lf to get his good leg under himself so he could stand. Together they followed another pair toward the buckets of meat. Taking one he carefully fed Blinketh. 

Description - Solid colored with bright shinny highlights around what looks like rocks that covers his whole hide. Resembles finding a seam of gold in a mine. e is long and gangly with wings that are almost too long. He is solid and well muscled. He is a supurb flier, quick and agile and a pleasure to watch.

Fire lizard -
Name - Hershey
Color: Dark chocolate Brown
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
Personality: Happy go lucky, this brown flit rarely ever feels down or scared. He wants everyone around him to be happy, especially his person. He will leave funny little gifts, sometimes stolen, sometimes found, for his person. He will do anything that he thinks will make his person happy.
Description: Deep chocolate brown with milky chocolate patches fading in and out depending on direct lighting.

Name - Leaf
Color - Dark Dark Green
Sire - Wild
Dam - Wild
History - Was found by D'en and given as a gift.
Personality - quiet and snuggly. She will ake a good messanger Flit even if she is a bit scatter brained.

Pets -
Name - Pooh
Species - Dog - Pomeranian
Personality - Quiet and obedient. Loves everybody. Can be finicky with food at times but will evidentially eat it if you were to play ‘here comes the train’ type games with the food. Loves to play and go on walks. Her favorite place was anywhere Ralphie was. She had a special pillow that she sat on at the table when he ate or did school work. She has a special back pack looking thing that allows her to ride in a special pouch on Ralphie’s chest. She never bites. She is very playful and loves to have bubbles blown on her tummy and raspberries blew at her, if you did that, she would put her mouth over Ralphies so he could blow at her that way too. It was funny to watch, silly girl.

History - Pooh was born on 6/6 early in the afternoon. She was the only black pup in the litter of three. She had been promised to Ralphies mother as payment for catering a dinner party. The pup loved Ralphie more then Georgianna and thus became the boys constant companion.
Description - Small for a Earth Pomeranian weighing under 10 pounds. Was born black but as she gets older she now has silver places in her ruff around her neck, a white gotee and silver in her fluffy britches.

Re: A'lf of Bronze Blinketh & Brown flit Hershey

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:12 pm
by Moon
Character Model is Neil Patrick Harris. NOT Doogie Howser.