
Rarely used characters.
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Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Rystan
Gender - male
DOB - 07/06
Age - 23

Personality - A somewhat reckless young man. Rystan has made many foolhardy choices in life and regrets none of them. He'll see his chances and run with them without giving things much thought. He's rather a carefree spirit preferring to be out of doors even in winter weather. He lives by the motto, work well and play hard. Rystan shows no signs of settling down anytime soon preferring the high seas to a sedate life. He dreams of exploring as much of Pern as possible. If only to say he did it. Across the expanse of ports, Rystan has probably fathered a few children and broken a few more hearts. He believes that as long as he has the seas, he'll never need anything more. Rystan fears commitment and marriage above anything else.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Black
Eyes - brown
Weight - 221 lbs.
Height - 6'4"

Features - The young man has dark hair, dark eyes, and bronze skin. He's fairly tall and well used to the hard work that comes with working on the sea. His eyes are tilted slightly upwards and his lips tend to quirk in smiles. Rystan wears a combination of clothing depending on the environment. Most often he can be found wearing leather or cotton pants and shirts unbuttoned. He has a small and thin scar as the result of an accident with a fishing hook.


Character Model - Taylor Lautner

Mother - Tenya
Father - Ryton
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children - 2 sons and 3 daughters (names unknown)

Craft -
Rank -
Master -

History - Rystan is the son of an arranged marriage. His parents are distant with one another and never spoke much of each other. Rystan has never shown much of the restaint his father has or the coldness his mother possesses nor has he shown any interest in following their example. By the time he was nine turns old, Rystan had shown a devout interest in the outdoor life of all seafaring children. He weaved nets, sang along with sailors, and performed the tasks carried out by his Hold.

Rystan was fostered to another Hold for three years until the age of twelve. Rystan remained there for a turn and a half until he returned to his home hold. An accident aboard ship left Rystan with a thin superficial scar across his back.

Rystan passed the next two years of life in his father's supervision and tutelage upon returning home. It wasn't long before Rystan's propensity for trouble had him searching for more adventure and risking everything on it. Shortly, the young man was making his way from one ship to another until he found just the type of place that gave him what he looked for.

Adventure, risk, and all the travel he could handle. He never once looked back on what he gave up. That and it keeps the fathers and husbands from finding him too quickly.

He has a fiancee waiting for him back home... And a passel of children that were sent there.

Dragon -
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Color -
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Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
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Pets -
Name -
Species -
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Notes -
I will EDIT! :o
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