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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:49 am
by Moon
Name - En'dru
Alias - Kelundal, E'ndu, En'dru
Gender - male
DOB - 06/28
Age - 15

Personality - He's an exceptionally nervous young man prone to activity over facing what he should. Despite this, when Endu can actually sit still long enough to pay attention he has an excellent ear for problems. This might just be because he's not prone to talking much given the recent break in his voice. Before that his parents were never able to get him to be quiet unless he was about to sleep. Getting him to talk now is much harder then it is to turn a green dragon blue. Endu has since become silent and stubbornly resistant to attempts at compassion from others upon the loss of Asklepoth.

Sexual Preferences - unknown

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 150 lbs.
Height - 5'7"

Features - With longish brown hair and a whiplike build, Endu has chosen to hide his less then perfect voice behind an impassive face and expressive eyes. Despite his silence, Endu is an open book to anyone equipped in dealing with people. Endu has since become silent and stubbornly resistant to attempts at compassion from others.


Character Model - Jensen Ackles

Mother - Tolendi
Father - Kendir
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Blue Dragon Rider/Brown Dragon Rider
Rank - Dragonless-Weyrling
Master -

History - Kelundal is the third born son of his family and the subsuequent only living son of his parents. During the time of his birth, Kelundal was born in the midst of a storm on a summer's day. This seemed to be the earmarker that their son wasn't going to make their lives very easy. To begin with, the boy was often in places where he shouldn't have been trying to be helpful where he was least needed.

One such event took place when he was seven and wondered into the stables where his father was helping a caprine to give birth to her kids and managed to sneak into the pen itself where he was nearly gored for inattention. He has nicely healed scar across his left fore arm for his troubles and has not yet learned his lesson.

By the time he was twelve and placed on a ship to elsewhere, Kelundal had quieted down unless he becomes extremely excited. He's become prone to minding his own business, often observing others and making personal remarks on how he can do better to himself. This has become something of a means to keep his mind occupied though he has yet to notice that his fingers set a certain rythym when doing this.

With the recent change of events, he's not sure what will happen next and is just eager to get it over with... Not talking much is becoming a real nuisance especially when people won't stop asking him annoying questions.

E'ndu was assigned to the Station due to a special talent working with the smaller machines and star mapping equipment.

Dragon: (Formerly E'ndu. Has since dropped the abbreviation, but refuses to answer to his original name.)
Name: Asklepoth (deceased)
Color: Blue
Personality:A greedy little thing who tends to be impatient. It isn't envy or jealousy, but a sense Asklepoth knows what he wants and wants it now, whether it be a meal, a bath, a good oiling, or a chance to fly. While Asklepoth would never take what belongs to another dragon he is extremely unlikely to share.
History: This pair has only just begun. Asklepoth isn't ready to fly just yet.
Description:This dragonet is all angles and joints, it seems, long instead of plump. He promises to be stunning when fully grown and fleshed out, for his hide is dappled in variegated shades of blue.

Name: South
Color: brown
motto - Always stay calm and see things through no matter how big a challenge gets.
- Only deals with local people. Are you local?
- Constantly turns head as if listening to things.
History: impressed to dragonless endu, offspring of green shoriath and brown nicorth
color - dark coffee colored brown
markings - tan colored toes, ear knobs, and a stripe across his left eye
size - medium-small
build - pudgy, tends to waddle most places using his tail to balance himself out

Name: Tidus
Color: Blue
Personality: The clumsy, scatterbrained champion, believes they are a miniature giant.
History: Hatched to the dragonless Endu during a lunch time meal.
Description: A deep ocean colored blue.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: En'dru

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:52 pm
by Moon
En'dru needs aging.
He needs personality filled out.
He needs history edits.