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Azura Triana

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:45 am
by jackharper
Name - Azura Triana
Gender - Female
DOB - 07/14
Age - 18

Personality - An avalanche packed in a snowball. Don't let Azura's small size fool you, she is a formidable opponent in many ways. She can fight with swords and knives, a talent required for the life she led on her home world. She has a sharp and witty tongue, willful and prideful attitude, and she is dangerous, in a life threatening and a mind messing way. Azura is used to a harsh lifestyle and having to use tricks and her own skills to get what she needs to survive. She does not mess with people for pleasure, only if she feels threatened in some way. The epitome of self control, it is nearly impossible to tell what Azura is thinking, feeling, or planning, until she wants you to know.

Sexual Preferences - Bi (tri?)

Likes - Life
Dislikes - Feeling threatened
Hobbies - Sword and knife play
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 110lbs
Height - 5ft

Features - Short with a petite figure, slender, barely any curves. Azura wears her golden blonde hair just passed her shoulders and straight. She rarely puts it up, liking it to frame her face instead. She has Brown eyes and soft skin with pretty pink lips. Azura isn't overly beautiful, but She has a look about her.

Character Model - Sarah Michelle Gellar

Mother - Unknown
Father - Unknown
Siblings - Unknown
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children - None

Career - Assassin/Spy
Degree - Stealthy Killing and Secretive Spying
School - Intergalactic Assassins' Academy


Military -
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Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Born on an unknown planet to unknown parents with unknown siblings, Azura was found abandoned and brought to the Intergalactic Assassins' Academy as an infant. She was raised to have no attachments, because her life could end at any moment. She was trained to kill targets without leaving a trace, and trained to collect information without being detected. From the age of 12 she was considered one of the galaxie's greatest Assassin Spies.

Azura was good at her work. She had tricks and skills that set her apart from the other Assassins, and she was smart, a fast thinker under pressure, and in general. Azura loved her work, and could never imagine living a different life. She had no desire in taking a spouse or partner, and no desire to have children. She has no friends, and doesn't know what it Is like to have a family.

After a particularly tough assignment, in which Azura made a different call than she was ordered to, she was removed from the Assassin's Academy, and labeled a traitor. She had to flee in order to keep her life. Azura has been on the run, and there is a price on her head, wanted dead, not alive, because of the information she acquired through spying.

Doing most of her work undercover, and having an Assassin Number instead of a name, made it a little easier for Azura to disappear, for the time being. While traveling through space on the run, Azura's ship was attacked and she almost lost her life. The Bellona, the pirate ship that attacked her, took her as a prisoner, but when Pirate Captain Enid Ark saw what skills she had, Azura Triana joined the pirate crew under her assumed name, and hoped that The Academy would have difficulty locating her on a pirate vessel.

She has been pillaging for 1 Turn and seven Months with Enid and the Bellona.

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