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Rik Malcom

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:39 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Rik Malcom
Gender - male
DOB - 3/2
Age - 35
Location- DragonHold Station

Personality - Serious when it comes to his work, Rik is a fun loving person overall. He loves to explore and experience new things.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - exploring, meeting new people, shell people
Dislikes - pirates, lawbreakers
Hobbies - reading, roleplaying, singing
Ambitions/Dreams - To find a shell person to partner with on a long term basis, instead as a temporary partner

Hair - brown, with a slight reddish tone to it.
Eyes - blue
Weight - 180
Height - 6'2"

Features -

Character Model - Nathan Fillion

Mother - Ilarin Kurtsen-Malcom
Father - Tyad Malcom
Siblings - Sari, Phiala (sisters)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children - Airisti

Career - Brawn
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Name: Rhakin
Type: Scout
Serial Code: RR-10005
History: Rhakin was newly graduated from school, and having just received his ship. He chose Rik out of all the Brawns that came courting, liking the vibrant personality that Rik had. On their third mission, they were attacked by pirates.
Description: Once a sleek ship, now a rusted pile of scrap.

History - Rik is from a family of service Brawns. Both of his parents were Brawns. His sisters are Brawns. One of his cousins, Tarod Kurtsen, was a Brawn.
From a young age, Rik knew he would be a Brawn. It is all that he wanted to be. And so, following in the footsteps of his parents and other family members, he went into training as a Brawn.
After a close call while in training, Rik realized that he did not want to die without having someone who could be his legacy and his continuation of his family line. So he hired a surrogate to give birth to his daughter. The surrogate was artificially inseminated with Rik's sperm, and 40 weeks later, a daughter was born. Rik named her Airisti, and took her home to his retired parents.
He was partnered with several Brains before being chosen by Rhakin. The pair were on assignment, without Airisti along, when pirates attacked. The pair barely survived and were left for dead. They managed to limp to a nearby Scout base with data that they managed to acquire on their attackers. While Rik was able to recover from the injuries he received, Rhakin was mortally wounded. The shell person died a couple of days later, after their return to base.
Once Rik had recovered from his own injuries, he was sent out to various stations, and on various BB ships, trying to find the pirates that had attacked him and his deceased partner. When at all possible, he brings his daughter with him.

Dragon -
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Fire lizard -
Name -
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Pets -
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Notes - From the planet Fuerte.