Airisti Malcom

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Airisti Malcom

Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Airisti Malcom
Gender - female
DOB - 12/25
Age - 15
Location- Star Stone Weyr

Personality - Fun loving, yet studious.

Sexual Preferences - unknown

Likes - shell people, her dad
Dislikes - her dad being away
Hobbies - reading, playing computer games, exploring
Ambitions/Dreams - to possibly be a Brawn, just like her dad. Or at least for now

Hair - red
Eyes - blue
Weight - 110
Height - 5'9"

Features -

Character Model - Molly C. Quinn

Mother - none
Father - Rik Malcom
Siblings - none
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Career - student
Degree -
School - home schooled


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Airisti is the daughter of Rik Malcom. As long as she can recall, Airisti usually stayed with her grandparents when her father and his partner was sent off on dangerous missions. However, she can also recall spending lots of time with Rhakin and her dad. She found the shell person fascinating, and as she grew older, figured that she would become a Brawn.
Rik home schools Airisti. Along with all the traveling they do, she does not feel a lack of socialization. Luckily, Airisti loves to explore and travel.
When not traveling, Airisti lives on the planet Fuerte, with her grandparents. While she is with her grandparents, Airisti visits with other family members, goes to things like sporting events, the theaters, concerts and museums. She also undergoes batteries of educational tests, to make sure that she is keeping up educationally with her age mates. One thing that she enjoys is the shopping for new clothes and things, when she is with her grandparents.

Dragon -
Name - Ahsokath
Color - Gold
Sire- Apostelth
Dam- Tianiath
Personality - Prim, proper, and she does it with obsessive skill. She prefers her meat to be cut with as little blood as possible. Ahsokath is quite exceptionally intelligent and likes to make herself known. She rarely stays quiet about 'invasive' icky things. No bugs, please and thank you. She likes to have her hide oiled with sweet scents until she shines.
History - Upon hatching, Ahsokath made her way imperiously to Airisti, demanding to be fed and cleaned.
Description - A chill goes up the spine of anyone not associated with the gold. She meets all the old representations of a white-gold, so pale she seems almost made of the mineral when she remains still. When she blinks, or breathes deeply, those are the few times anyone sees the life that she actually holds.
Special Notes- This Gold is sterile. She will not ever produce a clutch.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - homeworld is Fuerte.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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