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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:50 am
by Moon
Name - Matilda Prudence Raven
Alias - Astrid
Gender - Female
DOB - 12/23
Age - 15

Personality - She is the younger step sister to the bronzerider D'reven and has followed her unknowing older brother back to Pern after a disagreement with her parents. She is bent on living her life her way, and impressing a dragon seems just about the coolest thing since her teeth were enhanced. She's stubborn, childish, and sweet. Astrid takes delight in shocking her peers and especially her elders. Her older brother, despite being admired, is most prone to being her victim of sibling tantrums. Astrid makes friends as easily as enemies and delights in being in the presence of others. Horror movie enthusiast. She loves to tell fortunes, ghost stories, and surprise people.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Red with black stripe on the side
Eyes - Blue-grey
Weight - 135 lbs.
Height - 5'4"

Features - Surgically enhanced canine teeth, dark clothing, dark mascara and eye shadow around her eyes. She wears black lace, black leather, and a studded choker around her neck. Her hair is usually worn in twin pigtails, curled loosely to frame her neck. A black stripe was dyed into her hair. Astrid has two tattoos. One, is a single black rose blooming across the inside of her left wrist and the other, much larger, is in the shape of detailed bat wings stretching across the entire expanse of her back. She wears black leather bands tied around her wrists, arms, and hands. Astrid wears numerous piercings in her ears, each styled differently from roses, crosses, skulls, and jeweled studs. She has a single silver ring worn on her left hand styled as a skull.


Character Model - Kelly Clarkson

Mother - Ambassador Nora Raven
Father - Admiral Duke Raven
Siblings - D'reven (adopted, bronze rider)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Astrid was born to the prim and proper life of an ambassador's daughter. She was in boarding school by the time she was five. Her mother had her in the latest fashions, learning ballet, playing the harp and was being tutored into becoming a fine 'lady'. On the side and without her parents knowledge, Astrid began kickboxing, hip-hop dance, and other daring pursuits like skateboarding. Astrid rebelled when she turned ten after meeting D'reven and seeing the sentient bronze dragon Evoth.

Tearing through her wardrobe, she revamped the frills and silk with leather and lace. The girl's make up changed next in a whirlwind of disaster from the pinks and peaches to black. Her parents despaired until they determined she would be sent to finishing school the same year D'reven would return to Pern.

The girl jumped ship and stowed away in the storage compartments. Once she was on the base and discovered by her older brother, he brought her to Pern on her pledge to behave herself. He sought to enter her into candidate classes under the careful discretion he'd cultivated in military training until another ship could be sent to pick her up.

Name: Savaroth
Color: green
Personality: Savaroth is a very girly dragon, with a very strong personality.
History: Hatched from the Copper Rose Egg from Copper Clutch. Her dam is Gold . Her sire is Brown Nicorth.
Description:delicate, and a soft, pale green

Name: Vladimir
Color: Brown
Personality: demanding
Description: Dark brown with reddish brown stripes across his left wing.

Name: Gomez
Color: Blue
Personality: Loving, and willing to help in anyway possible.
History: Gomez!

That was the name Astrid was determined to give to the egg that had found it's way into her palms, regardless of color. The egg was carefully sniffed by Vladimir before the brown curled around it and helped his watch over it until the hatching date. When it was time and the rough blue flit came tumbling into her hands, the two of them found a way to keep it's attention on the bowl of food while Savaroth bugled her welcome. It wasn't long before the firehead headaches dropped Astrid back into the land of slumber with a watchful baby blue tucked next to her neck and Vladimir standing guard over both of them.
Description: A large blue. A rough texture to his hide.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -