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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:27 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Niall
Gender - male
DOB - 11/14
Age - 14
Location- Star Stone Weyr/ Fort Drago

Personality - danger in a small package, deadly when needed. Someone who yearns for a true home, and someone to love him. Has the need to be free, and left mainly alone.

Sexual Preferences - unknown

Likes - Being left alone, and ignored, Gryft
Dislikes - blood, Enid, being afraid
Hobbies - hiding in a small hole and dreaming of being free. Watching stars
Ambitions/Dreams - To be free without anyone to answer to. To visit the surface of a planet.

Hair - sandy brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 98 -still growing
Height - 5'- still growing

Features -

Character Model - Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Mother - unknown
Father - unknown
Siblings - unknown
Spouse -
Partner - Chaya
Children -

History - Niall does not know where he came from, or who is parents are. His earliest memories were of the creche cages in the slave hold on the Bellona, with a group of children that were his basic age. He can recall being cared for, fed and bathed within reason. He can also recall being trained to handle weapons, and do chores. Niall was 5 the first time he killed. He helped to electrocute a woman. Niall was 6 when he made his first solo kill. He stabbed a teenage boy in the neck for taking his food. The person responsible for training him was Gryft. Niall sort of looked up to Gryft, who took care of him on the sly when he was able to get away with it. Niall enjoyed the times when Gryft was teaching him survival skills and the other things he needed to know in order to survive as one of Enid's killer slaves.
Niall was three years old when he was taken captive by Enid Ark and tossed in among the children she had enslaved. The creche group he was placed in was also the same one which a 12 year old boy by the name of Gryft was in. Little Niall quickly came under the care and tutelage of Gryft. The older boy taught the younger one everything he knew about defending himself, killing other people and coping with it, survival, along with his letters and numbers. Niall would secretly worship Gryft as he got older, as the older boy was the closest thing he had to family. And family was something that Niall craved.

Career - slave
Degree - none
School - The Bellona School of Slavery and Hard Knocks


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name - Kiva
Color - blue
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name - Falcon
Species - Bonegnawer
Personality - Very protective of Niall, and devoted to him. Fierce and dangerous bird, especially when perceiving danger to Niall.
History - When Niall was 9 years old, he killed his first man with his bare hands. Oh he had killed before, with some kind of tool or object, but never with his bare hands. As a reward for this, Enid Ark gave Niall an egg. He took great care with the egg, doing his best to keep it warm so that it would hatch. When it hatched a baby bonegnawer fell into his lap. Somehow, it reminded the boy of pictures of falcons, hawks and eagles that he had vague memories of, so he named it Falcon.
Description -
Falcon has a wingspan of 4 feet.

Notes -