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Site Admin
Posts: 3601
Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:50 pm
Location: Pern, Star Stone Weyr


Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Insha
Gender - female
DOB - 5/13
Age - 25

Personality - Friendly and outgoing, Insha is one to make friends easily. Loves to help pull practical jokes, or did. She cares deeply for those she calls friend.
Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Ja'vosh, flying, learning new things
Dislikes - Igen Weyr
Hobbies - swimming, hiking
Ambitions/Dreams - To hopefully relocate to Star Stone Weyr, once the plague is completely cured

Hair - blonde
Eyes - brown
Weight - 150
Height - 5'11"

Features -

Character Model - Emma Caulfield

Mother - Shia
Father - En'nis
Siblings - Shannis
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Dragonrider
Rank - Greenrider
Master -

History - Insha grew up a weyrbrat at Igen Weyr. The daughter of a bluerider and one of the cooks in the kitchen, she and her older sister Shannis had run of the Weyr. At the age of 13, she met Janovosh when he arrived at Igen, found on Search. She quickly became his friend, and would stick by him through thick and thin. Insha even helped Janovosh pull off some of the more elaborate pranks that he had ideas for. Along with Insha, her best childhood friend, Jhiatael would warmly welcome the new Candidate.
Like Janovosh, the older she got, the less chance that Insha figured that she would Impress. The Hatching where Janovosh would become Ja'vosh by Impressing Bronze Quenath, she would Impress Green Auntoeth.
Insha would be the first to defend Ja'vosh when he was accused of pulling a prank that would severely injure Jhiatael. Jhiatael's brother, Jhaitiel would swear it was Ja'vosh who had pulled the prank.
When Shovan arrived at the Weyr, having been found on Search, Insha would befriend the younger boy, due to her affection for his brother.

Dragon -
Name - Auntoeth
Color - Green
Personality - fun loving and sweet
History - Hatched at the same time as Quenath, and from the same clutch.
Description - A forest green color with grass green stripes all over her body. Has long wings for her size, giving her a clumsy appearance when on the ground.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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