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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name - K'dan
Gender - Male
DOB - 6/19
Age - 25

Personality - K'dan is a serious sort of person whom takes his assignments seriously. His organization skills has helped him through thick and thin. He loves music and good jokes. He loves a good party and dancing. A good sunset can hold him spell bound. His easy going ways allure people to him. He loves children and would someday like to have some. He isn't sure how that is going to happen sense he has decided to like women, men and wine. He is sure he will find a way.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes - Music, Dragons and sunsets
Dislikes - Super cold nights and blazing hot days
Hobbies - Singng with the children
Ambitions/Dreams - Like all children of Pern, To become a dragon rider and then walk the tables.

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 200
Height - 6'9"

Features - K'dan is pleasent to look at, he has long almost white hair with darker blond streaks showing through, it hangs waist length and usually kept contained in a braid that is usually hidden under his tunic, except for rest days where he lets it loose to dry properly after a good bath. He stands 6'9“ tall and has the muscular build of one that's been a dragon rider. His eyes are the color of the vivid blue of the ice on a cold glacier. They seem to look straight through you. Its easy to tell when he is full of mischief, for those vivid baby blues sparkle and dance.


Character Model - Tom Felton

Mother - Kalene (mother)
Father - Shardan (father)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - M'el Green Rider
Children - None

Craft - He was apprenticed to a beastcrafter before apprenticing to the HarperHall, He still needs to walk the tables to become a Journeyman Harper.
Rank - Wing-Rider
Master -

History - K'dan was raised in a very busy home indeed. All the family members shared everything. It was hard to tell who lived in his home or any of the other members of the family's homes that was near by. He lacked for nothing and worked hard for everything that was concidered extra. He didn't have any siblings, but there was always a cousin or 7 around somewhere.

His father was master beastcrafter and his mother the head baker. They never lacked for anything. He learned to take care of the various beasts his father was in charge of, and also learned how to bake from his mother. Both parents wanted him able to always take care of himself. The day he noticed a dragonrider close up was the day he really wanted to become one.

He started to apprentice to a beastcrafter until they discovered he had a ear for music, he then went to the Harperhall where he studied hard. He was pretty good at the drums, he loved their deep resonating sound. He was getting ready to walk the tables to become a Journeyman Harper when a rare blue dragon landed on a search. Kalerdan found himself dragon back heading to the Weyr to become a Candidate. The rest is history, and one he will never forget. EVER!

Dragon -
Name - Zillath
Age -5
Color - Caramel Brown (color of a siamese cat)
Personality - Quiet and laid back is Zillath. He is fearsly loyal to his K'dan and the little flit Dandy. He has a stubborn streak and a sense of humor that usually gives K'dan a challange.
History - Zillath and K'dan graduated near the top of their class. Sense then they have become a wing rider. Some day they will move up in ranks, for now they are content in becoming the best they can be.
Description - Caramel colored with chocolate brown points ie: all four legs are chocolate brown to the elbows and hawks, his muzzle, ears and head knobs are also chocolate brown. Also Zillaths tail from start to end is also the same darker brown.

Fire lizard -
Name - Dandy
Color - Dandy is the exact same color as his bigger cusin Zillath, he is 1 turn old and has proved to be very dependable in doing his persons bidding. He has even learned a few tricks, he shakes hands when he is begging a bite of food. He delivers messages faithfully and without getting lost, well, some of the time. Mostly he gets where he needs to go, but forgets to come back right away.

Only time Dandy isn't really behaving himself is when another flit is rising, then forget it. All thoughts but the chase and capture leave the poor creatures mind. All in all they make a good team.
Personality - Cocky, upbeat and dependable.
History - K'dan found Dandy's egg on Zillath's couch one day, he has no idea where it came from. Zillath woke him up when the egg was starting to hatch. Good thing he hadn't ate his lunch of meat rolls yet. He grabbed the plate and headed for Zillath's couch. Ta-Da... there was a Dandy a few moments later gorging himself until he fell asleep in K'dans lap
Description - colored like a siamese cat

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: K'dan of Brown Zillath & Brown Flit Dandy

Post by Moon »

There are several errors in this sheet and those like will ALL be moved back to character moderation and approval for re-submission.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: K'dan

Post by KBear »

Is he fixed now?
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: K'dan

Post by Moon »

There is nothing listed on personality.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: K'dan

Post by KBear »

Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: K'dan

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: K'dan

Post by KBear »

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