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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:29 pm
by KBear
Name - C'sar
Gender - Male
DOB - 7/22
Age - 21

Personality - C'sar is a mild quiet fellow. He is soft spoken and quiet. He is slow to rile up but once he gets mad it takes awhile to calm down. He never hurts any body not when he has other ways of taking care of his anger. Chopping firewood is a excellant way of doing just that. He works hard but doesn't always listen well. He follows more by example, like those that learn better by doing.

Sexual Preferences - Gay

Likes - carving wood. Fishing. Warm sunny days.
Dislikes - Caveins, going hungry and dark dreary days.
Hobbies - carving things from wood
Ambitions/Dreams - To be the best wing-rider possible

Hair - long Brown
Eyes - Green
Weight - 190
Height - 6'6"

Features - C'sar stands a bit short for his age but lately he has noticed his clothes are getting small. His waist length brown hair is always kept tidy and out of the way. He has a serious look to himself that can be deceiving, or taken as too serious. He is starting to fill out and get some muscle, throwing firestone sacks will do that for you.

He has a scar on his right bisep that he got during training when they were throwing Firestone sacks and he slipped and fell in the quarry. Other then that, he has nothing else to show.


Character Model - Brendan Fraser

Mother - cassandra baker (mother, deceased)
Father - Tenzar miner (father, deceased)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - G'lan Rider of Blue Hermeth
Children - none

Craft - apprenticed Miner
Rank - Wing Rider.
Master - N/A

History - C'sar grew up helping his father in the mine, he usually ran errands sense he was a bit small, but he did the best he could. He loved to go fishing and brought home more then his small family needed. He was always willing to share with those that needed the help.

The day the mine collapsed was a devistating day for the lad. He lost his father and mother both. His mother had been taking lunch to some of the miners when the accident happened. He made his hands bleed trying to dig out those that were trapped inside. A fellow miner pulled him away after it was clear that no one could have survived.

He was sent to live with some friends. While he was there he learned some thing about farming. He happened to be the right place at the right time when the blue dragon spotted him coming around the corner of the shelter he shared with several other that point boys from the same mine. That day he was searched was the best day of his life up to that point. He would remember it forever.

Weyrling training was harder then he thought it would be. Besides losing several classmates to the plague and not many understanding him, they thought him mentally chalanged because some of the things he should know but he didn't. Normally he got along fine with people, but there was a couple that just couldn't like him. He ended up doing chores for punishment. He didn't mind the chores even if he didn't understand the other Weyrlings dislike of him. Anyway it didn't matter now that he and Hesitith are due to graduate and are anxiously waiting their assignment to a wing.

Dragon -
Name - Hestith
Color - Green
Age - 4
Personality - Hestith is shy but out going when needed. A bit smaller then most greens, and just as quick as most of the blues. She will be fierse when it comes to chasing thread, sometimes to daring to suit her rider. Together they equal each other out well.
History - Hesitith didn't hesitate when her red marbled egg hatched, she tumbled onto the sands at Cesardans feet forcing the scared candidate to stoop to help her stand. PERFECT this was the one. She was a bit clumsy as a dragonette and was grateful she out grew it by the time they graduate.
Description - light bright lime green that doesn't change over her whole body. Even the sails of her wings stay the same. there are some darker dapples in her hide along her ribs. One can see them in the right lighting.

Fire lizard -
Name - Brownie - Deceased, died of the plague.
Color - Brown
Personality - Brownie is, Independant, playful, stubborn, steals his persons belongings and loves the ladies, flits and human alike, he is a charmer.
History - Brownie's egg was discovered one day on C'sar's bed up on the Station. It wasn't long before he hatched. Is egg wasn't anything to marvel at and C'sar kept a close watch on the basket of warm sand that he kept safely tucked against the wall under his pillow for protection against the cold. Hestith let him know the egg was hatching one day when C'sar was in the Mess Hall eating lunch. The lad had been listening to how to care for the newly hatched flit when he got the news of its rocking. How Hestith knew he never asked, he just ran to his quarters with a plate of meat some one shoved at him on his way out. He got there just in time as the egg cracked and a tiny black flit burst out of its shell demanding food. C'sar carefully fed the hatchling making sure he didn't choke. Each bite he gave the little thing he moved the morsel closer to his lap. Soon the tiny thing was sitting on his knee.

Once the flit had slowed down C'sar dared a finger to touch the tiny head-knobs for a scratch. The little brownie colored flit rubbed the finger in return. The tiny flit walked up onto C'sar's arm and wrapped its tiny tail around his wrist to keep himself from falling over. Yawning widely the tiny thing purred as he looked back at the young man that had fed him. "Let's see, what shall we call you little one. You are the color of my favorite treat a Brownie. Shall I call you that my little man?" C'sar crooned softly to the tiny sleepy flit. With a sound that sounded like agreement, the little Brown flit crawled up and hid under the lads braid he kept neatly tucked into his shirt to stay out of they during work hours, Brownie wrapped his tail securley around the braid and wrapped his body around the right side of C'sar's neck tucking his nose snugly under the lads ear, he fell asleep. Laughing, C'sar picked up the plate and headed back to the Mess Hall, the little fellas demand for hungar made him Hungry for his own discarded meal.

"What do you think Hess? I think he is cute. I will bring him by after I eat. We are off duty then my pretty."C'sar passed on as he walked in and sat down to his meal. (I like him already Csarmimne. I can wait until you are done eating to see him. I like his name too, Brownie seems to fit his coloring.) the lime green beauty answered her life mate. She would love the little one for company. Many of her Clutch-Mates had one of these little lizards that seemed to help with bathing and for fun.
Description - Brownie was almost black when he was born, but now that he is older, his skin is a combo of lights and darks including a rusty coloring here and there. His wings are still dark brown, making him a handsome fella.

Fire lizard -
Name - Loki
Color - Blue
Personality - Loki, is Nostalgic, motivated by curiosity and loves to play. He also thinks he is something special with the ladies. He can switch to being almost depressed to taking off in a flash to see what that is over there. And he can make a game out of anything. All in all he is a fun loving little flit that likes to play.
History - Little Loki was also a gift, this time he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. A flit clutch was hatching and he had been standing holding a platter full of meat for the others that were standing around watching the hatching. The little blue flit cracked out of his shell almost lazy like. He waited until the others were busy eating before he pushed himself to his feet and started looking at those that were watching and hoping the little one would choose them. At this time C'sar wasn't paying much attention to the tiny hatchling as he wasn't there to claim one, he was just pressed into service to hold the plates of meat for the others.

His attention was brought around quick when he heard a tiny insistant sound and felt the tiny sharp claws as the little blue started to climb his pant leg. Looking down then back at the person whom the eggs belonged before he ventured to encourage the tiny light blue flit to continue. Getting a nod of approval, C'sar carefully bent over and put the tray down, he selected a small piece of meat from one of the plates and offered it to the little hatchling. The crying turned to almost singing as the little blue scrambled the rest of the way up onto his lap. As he fed and bonded with the tiny blue thing, Brownie joined them and greeted his new friend. Sharing bites, the pair found their place around C'sar's neck and fell asleep. Loki would get his name later from some thing he did when C'sar was in class, until then he was just little one. Loki, Brownie and Hestith liked the new name and it stuck.
Description - Loki is a very light blue, the color of the sky at early morning with white fluffy clouds floating lazily across the expance. His color is mostly uniform all over except for the places here and there that resemble the clouds floating in the sky. His wings have darker patches of the same color next to his body and wing ribs.

Pets -
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Re: C'sar of Green Hesitith & Brown Flit Brownie

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:22 pm
by Moon
This character has no personality and the character model remains unknown. There are no likes or dislikes.

Re: C'sar

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:19 pm
by KBear

Re: C'sar

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:34 pm
by KBear

Re: C'sar

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:11 pm
by Moon

Re: C'sar

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:12 pm
by Moon
make sure your characters match that sheet. if they are offworlders, edit to match the offworlder sheet.

Re: C'sar

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:21 pm
by Moon
can be moved back to folder