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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:32 pm
by KBear
Name - R'ial
aka: Rian Laylend
Gender - Male
DOB - June 19thi
Age - 20

Personality - He loves wearing leathers. He loves how they feel against his skin. He wears his FSP uniform with pride and looks good in them. He loves attention and is quite a clown. He can be serious when it needs to be. He also has a problem with following orders. That’s why he is in trouble and being sent to Pern. He just wanted to have fun and didn’t understand why having a good time with the gang off base was such a no- no, so he kept doing it. The last time was too much for his superiors when he borrowed a speeder and wrecked it after drinking too much kick-a-poo-joy-juice (as his father calls it).

R'ial is a hard working lad with a sausy attitude. He has a mouth that don't shut up when its supposed to. He is trying hard to cover his addiction to boys or men. He likes girls good enough but really doesn't care to kiss one or to be any closer then that. He supposes if he had to he could make himself have sex with a girl, but the thought makes him shudder.

Sexual Preferences - Bi

Likes - flying anything that flies, going to parties and having fun. Loves wine and He-males
Dislikes - authority and punishment
Hobbies - flying anything with wings
Ambitions/Dreams - To be accepted as he is for what he is. To find a partner with simular likes.

Hair - Black
Eyes - Glacier Blue
Weight - 220 lbs
Height - 6'4"

Features -Tall and muscular and beautiful, is how many would describe Rian. His midnight black hair is sometimes spiked straight up, or allowed to frame his face in whatever direction it wishes to go. It doesn’t matter any to Rian. He likes to shock people with how he looks, and if he applied the make up just right, and changed his dress he could be mistaken for a woman, and has on many occasions, always just for laughs or is it?

He has earrings he wears in his ears when he can get away with it. Never anything gaudy or dangly though, unless he is after a shock factor. Rian has several tattoos. One of them is a blue dragon that’s the same glacier blue as his eyes, it’s safely hidden across the middle of his back stretching from shoulder to shoulder. He had this added when he found out he was coming to Pern to try to become a Dragonrider. He has a few other small ones like the rose that’s on his right arm just below the shoulder and not where it can be seen when wearing short sleeves. The other one he tried to have removed and it looks a mess. You can’t tell what it was supposed to be and it was his first one. Honestly Rian can’t remember what it was either. He had them put in places that wouldn’t show when he was in uniform.


Character Model - Adam Lambert

Mother - Martha Laylend
Father - Major General Martan Laylend
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft -
Rank - Blue wingRider
Master -

History - Rian grew up on Earth, well Earth’s moon anyway. He went to and from Earth for classes several times during growing up. His father was a military man so it was just assumed Rian would also be one. No one ever asked. When he started wearing make up from time to time his father, the Major General decided it was time for him to go to military school when he was 12. He loved it, at first.

He was a model student, never any problems with instructors. And when he had his free days, he and his classmates started having fun being weird and sometimes partying when they got older. He went to school with Drayven, he didn’t like the snotty all business lad. He wished he would lighten up some.

All it took was for Rian and his friends to go to a concert for him to notice that many of these people dressed and looked the way he wanted to. So he started putting it into practice, but never where his father could see him. His mother loved his more feminine side; she gave him makeup tips and went shopping for just the right this or that. He was much closer to his mother.

What got him in trouble the most was his lack of interest in authority. His sneaking off base at odd hours with friends had gotten him into trouble and lots of latrine duty before now, but this time he stole a speeder belonging to a high ranking officers daughter on a dare, and sense he was at the controls when it wrecked, and because he was the highest ranking officer in the group, he was the one that took the brunt of the discipline. He was basically booted out of the FSP, given a choice between the brig and Pern. He chose Pern. He didn’t know exactly what a dragon rider was, but he was willing to learn. It was better then the Brig.

Dragon -
Name - Aheith
Age - 3
Color - Egyptian Blue with lighter shades of the same color in his wingsails.

Personality - Aheith has a soft spot for kids. He is loyal to his person and sometimes chatty. The greens like him because he can also gossip with the best. He has a extra ability he is empathic and will someday be a Search Dragon.

Impression History -Rian Laylend was a washed out member from the command school in the Federation of Sentient Planets. Like some, he had been given the secondary option to come to Pern and start all over again. The teenager was younger then the others from the FSP but he was the same age as that damned D'reven. The one who would be his commanding officer if he even impressed. He highly doubted it would change anything. Then the humming started and it was time to go.

Once the Candidates were settled in line, they were ushered onto the hot sands in single file. Boys first then the girls. Once on the sands they were placed in a loose semi-circle around the eggs. Everyone was suddenly nervous. Then the eggs started cracking, lots of them at once. There were shell fragments flying, Dragonettes calling for thiers and stumbling around, others being led from the sands. Such confusion.

He didn't begrudge D'reven or the others for getting a Dragon... but... but... (R'ial.)

He frowned as the foreign thought intruded. (R'ial.)

That was not his name, maybe the person meant someone else. (I'm sure your mine, R'ial.)

THE heck was THAT? His eyes darted down to meet the whirling happy orbs of a blue dragonet. (Aheith.) the voice said again. (I am yours, mine. So, can we eat now? My belly is really, very hungry.)

Looking around a bit R'ial didn't register that the little blue was talking to him until banged his head into his chest. Then R'ial paid attention. "You are talking to me?" R'ial asked. The little Blue nuzzled R'ial again and started humming. Staring into those whirling eyes R'ial was completely consumed by love and happiness. His search was over, he had found love.

Description: Ahith is a baby blue Dragon with darker blue splotches here and there. He looked marbley colored all over. His wings were colored the same but lighter. He looked like a Earth leapord except being blue. His neck and tail is longer then most at this point, but he will grow into them and be a fast and agile flier.

Fire lizard -
Name - Barbee
Color - green
Personality -
History - Deceased, died of the plague
Description -

Firelizard -
Name - Tigger <Tigg-er>
Color - Green
Sire- Little Lord
Dam- Stitch
Personality - Tig-ger Is a lazy little Flit. She likes to lay around whit her bigger cousin. Bath and oiling perks her up and she becomes a chittering little chatter box. She is dependable when delivering messages and can find almost everyone. Except the Weyrleader.
Description - a pale yellow green color, with mask and points of a bright emerald green. She is a plump little thing. Her hind legs are longer then her front so when she walks on all fours she looks funny. She can fly fast and straight when she needs too.
DOB - 12/12

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: R'ial of Blue Aheith & Green Flit Tigger

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:19 pm
by Moon
This is a constant flow, huh? Personality is lacking in the likes, dislikes, etc. The DOB is wrong.