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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name - Tishu
Gender - Female
DOB - 2/9
Age - 17

Personality - Quiet and shy with a hatred of physical abuse. She will stand up for the underdog when no one else will. She is quick when doing chores just so she can get out of the way unseen. Hard working and dependable she's a favorite of the old ladies when they need her and even if they don't need. She will go out of her way to help make them comfortable. It did't hurt that the old ladies liked to give her sweets for the pretties she made and the things she did for them.

Tishu loves the runners, they are quiet and dependable. All her cares went away when working with them. She saw the Dragons come and go and wondered why they didn't like her. She hopes that some day they will choose her too.

Sexual Preferences - Undecided

Likes - Runners, making trinkets for the old ladies and sweets
Dislikes - Abusive people
Hobbies - animal doctor, and making necklaces
Ambitions/Dreams - Like all girls, they dream to be a Gold-Rider and lead her wing/weyr the best she can. Tishu also wants to learn to be a Dragon/Human healer

Hair - Brown with red highlight, waist length
Eyes - Green
Weight - 170
Height - 6'

Features - Tishu has waist length brown hair that boasts its many different sun streaked highlights that range from red to Blond. Her wide spaced eyes change from green to blue depending on her mood and what she is wearing. Her teeth aren't perfectly straight but they are white and in good condition. Her skin tone is a healthy tanned color. She has a birthmark on the top of her left shoulder where her collar bone attachs, its about the size of a thumb print and perfectly round in shape. It's a bit darker then her skin but hides well under the straps of most tops she wears. She stands at 6' but she has started to grow. She is filling out in all the right places and soon will look better when she finishes filling out her medium built frame.

Tishu's favorite things to wear were loose fitting pants and a loose fitting blouse. When she dressed up it was always in blue. Her favorite pair of riding chaps were the ones a trader gave her when she traded him a foal from her runner, these pants were Harper blue. Beautifully tanned light weight and sturdy. She took great care of them. Like most girls Tishu loved jewelry, nothing fancy, just necklaces and things that she could make out of left over things. She seemed to make them just right for they were a favorite among the ladies that visited.


Character Model - Miley Cyrus

Mother - Tisten-63 (mother)
Father - Ursher-65 (father)
TIsther-45 (brother),rusher-44 (brother),
Ushten-43 (brother),
Sauthen-40 (sister).
Siblings - n/a
Spouse - na/
Partner - n/a
Children - n/a

Craft - Gold Rider
Rank - Weyrling
Master -

History - Tishu was the last child to be born. To her parents. All the others were gone when she came as an unexpected and unwanted surprise. Her life was hard and sometimes cruel. Her Parents fought all the time and when they weren't fighting they were drunk on some kind of cheap wine. When her father could take no more, they decided they didn't/t want a young one around anymore so they took her to stay with her grandam when she was but five turns old. This woman was alone herself and why she took in Tishu the girl never knew. Life was worse here then ever.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't please the old woman. Chores and more chores. And ohhhh if you didn't do the chores right, you would continue to do them until she was satisfied, this included beatings for them not being done right. Tishu remembers many nights after her grandam came home very late from where ever it was she went, that the old woman would drag her out of bed by her hair yelling, screaming and hitting her because she might have forgot a dish or maybe one was dirty when she washed it. She lost count of how many times she washed every dish, pot and pan in the house. One never knew what would set the old woman off. So you just walked softly and said nothing until you were spoken too.

Life wasn't all hard for Tishu, one old woman at the cothold not to far away took a shinning to Tishu, she loved the things she drew for her and saved every one. This woman's daughter had a prise runner that she sometimes let children ride, this started Tishu's love of the sometimes stubborn beasts. She loved the brown runner she named Sugar Foot. She learned to care for the runner in every way including patching up the silly thing when it scraped its hide up.

When Tishu was ten turns, the old woman Marley, offered to apprentice her in the stables. It was the best time of here young life. She learned to care for the runners including healing. The best fun was birthing the new ones. She worked hard and learned lots of things. She loved to teach the little ones to ride too. When she turned 12, she was given Sugar Foot for her birthday. She was the happiest girl on Pern that day.

Life went fast for Tishu now. Her Grandam died she wasn't sorry. And she didn't remember much about her parents. It didn't matter to Tishu. She played and grew with many that came to learn about the runners. They all dreamed about becoming dragon riders and what color they would impress. She was different, she didn't want a gold, she dreamed of riding a beautiful blue, the color of blue that the sky can sometimes be just before dawn, a royal beautiful blue.

They flew, they flamed thread and searched others out to stand on the sands. Tishu dreamed of this beautiful Gold and becoming a dragonhealer. It all made sense to Tishu, and she didn't care who told her that Golds don't like women like her. It didn't hurt to dream, did it?

Whenever she could, Tishu made necklaces. She always had a pouch of things with her where ever she went. The ladies that visited the cothold and stables loved the little trinkets. They knew that the woman that took her in was getting on in years, so they traded her sweets for the pretties she made. She had no idea if they kept them or gave them to kids, she didn't care. Marley loved the sweets anyway.

As she was getting older, more of her childhood friends were being searched, many were impressed already. Tishu was beginning to think the dragons didn't like her for some reason. That or she just kept missing the search dragon. Tishu swore that she was going to meet the next one that came. She wanted to know if she too was rider material.

Candidate (hoping for a rare Gold)

Dragon - dob - 12/25
Crystal Gold egg-
Gold Leiath
Color - Gold
Sire- Apostelth
Dam- Tianiath
Description- A gold so pale she's almost white. Leiath has dark brown points, and tips. Her eyes are also rimmed with dark brown, so she almost looks like she's wearing eyeliner. Dainty and tiny in build, with long, graceful wings, tail and neck. Long head knobs that are the same dark brown coloring of her points. Size wise, Leiath is a throw back to the first dragons.

Personality- Extremely intelligent and curious about everything. Leiath has a beautiful humming voice and often uses it. She in fact came out of her shell humming. She does have a dictator-ish personality in dealing with others, especially firelizards. She has a head for plans and letting Hers know exactly what she is thinking. She will ask questions until she understands the meaning. Leiath does listen to Hers though. Always, hers must come first.

Special Notes- This Gold is sterile. She will not ever rise or produce a clutch.

Egg Description- This egg is large and proud looking on the sands. It commands your attention to its beauty and presence. This is a bright solid gold egg with hints of patterns within its coloring. A truly awe inspiring egg with a hint of interesting things to come.

Fire lizard -
Name - Sissy
Color - Gold
Personality - She is a queen and she knows it. She is bossy to her underlings and enjoys it. She preens constantly and is curtious to humans as they usually have a treat handy.
History - Sissy was a gift egg.
Description - Bright Shinny Polished Gold

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: Gold Weyrling Tishu of Gold Leiath & Gold Flit Sissy

Post by Moon »

This character needs several things to be fixed. She is now an unapproved character that is still playable. Submit personality likes, dislikes, etc as well as an updated age to the Administration right away.
I will EDIT! :o
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