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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:36 pm
by KBear
Name - Sh'ara
aka: Shatara
Gender - Female
DOB - 2/2
Age - 18

Personality -

Sexual Preferences - Undecided

Likes - Music
Dislikes - Mean people that like to call names and make others feel bad
Hobbies - She was good with her beats and rhythms. Her skills seemed to be pretty balanced; she recognized charts, notes and could sing a pretty good ballad.
Ambitions/Dreams walking the tables to become a Journeyman- Becoming Wing leader for a all blue wing of female riders

Hair - Black
Eyes - Pale blue, almost white
Weight - 180"
Height -5'6

Features - Shatara has a square shaped face with darker skin tones, her kelly green eyes look huge for her face, she has black hair that reaches well below her shoulders, and its always up in some tied back way or another. Her build is slightly heavy and she hasn't developed yet, but from what Shatara feels and sees it’s starting to, finally. She is hoping a growing spurt will start soon she is tired of being the chunky.

She has a few scars along the right side of her shoulder blade where she had fallen out of a tree when she was ten turns old.
She doesn’t have to be careful to stay covered when outside or she might get a burn. You would think that living in the south keeps her tanned and darker then most. She is grateful that she doesn’t burn, her siblings do and it seems awful. She loves the color blue, any shade of blue. She doesn't wear dresses very often as they tend to get in her way. But she can if she has to.


Character Model - Crystal Gayle

Mother - Sharden, 50, Master Baker
Father - Tatar, 52, Stable hand
Siblings - Sashtan, Brother, 18, Stable hand
Tarmin, Sister, 12 Apprenticed to Master Glass crafter Loghan at Star Stone Hold
Spouse - None
Partner - none ... Shares a double Weyr with D'en
Children - Denara, female, July 11, newborn. D'en is the father

Craft - Wingrider
Rank - Dragon Rider
Master -

History - Shatara is hesitant to talk to new people at first. Once she gets to know you then it’s different. She doesn't trust people as a whole. Thanks to getting called names once by someone she thought was a friend fixed that. No one likes to be called fatty or an oink.

She is easily embarrassed; she would rather let others do her chores out of fear of getting them wrong. The only time she didn't dare do that was when she was helping her parents. If they knew she was having others do her work no one ever said anything to her about it.

She can keep a list in her head of what she has done and what still needs to be done. A talent her mother is very grateful for. The poor woman's memory was starting to fail and Shatara was a huge help to the woman. One day Shatara will also be glad for its usefulness.

You won't find Shatara standing at a mirror looking at herself; she doesn't find herself pretty, just tolerable. She has a few scars along the right side of her shoulder blade where she had fallen out of a tree when she was ten turns old. What a waste of time primping was, she didn't bother with it, and she brushed the tangles out, and then braided her hair quickly in what ever fancy that hit her that day.

She loves to laugh, although sometimes it’s just a smile that others can see. She won't do a nasty joke on some one, but she isn't above pulling silly pranks. She likes company but sometimes likes the quietness that being alone on the beach can bring.

Shatara is the middle child of three. Her older bother is a Stable hand that usually works with the runners. Her youngest sister is fostered out to Star Stone Hold’s Master Glass Crafter, Loghan. So far Shatara helps her mother in the Kitchens learning to be a Baker.

What made Shatara so reluctant to make friends were all those nasty rumors the boy told everyone when they were ten turns old. All the teasing about wearing boys under things and calling her fat names made her life miserable for awhile. One day Shatara caught this same boy trying to sell someone else’s tools to a traveling man who had stopped to do some trading. She waited until he was alone then told him what she saw before she beat the feathers off of him with her fists. Later she had the pleasure of telling him he had better tell everyone he was lying about her or she would tell them all what she saw. She got caught beating him up but some things were worth a month of latrine duty

Good thing she has a memory for things, especially music. Shatara loves music. She was good with her beats and rhythms. Her skills seemed to be pretty balanced; she recognized charts, notes and could sing a pretty good ballad. She loved it when the Harper came by for she got new thing to learn and praise for what she had completed.

Once she put an innocent creepy crawly in her brothers clothes. The resulting scream from his room sent her into a giggle spree she was hard to stop. For days every time she saw him she couldn't help it, she started laughing. She loved doing little things like that. She put slimy stuff on the handle of her fathers tool box, the look on his face when he dropped it made everyone laugh, it was worth garden chores.

She loved the younger children; they were the best to play with. The younger ones hadn't learned to be as mean as those her age. As far as she was concerned, they needed to have fun too. And that playing got her in trouble more then once. Not only playing with them, but pretending to move and talk like them made others laugh, but her mother tuned her up more then once for not being or acting proper, after all, how would she like it if she saw someone making fun of her that way.

One cold day she was sitting in the sunshine peeling tubers when she saw the Blue Dragon come in for a landing. That in its self was unusual enough, but when she went to look, the beautiful Blue spoke to her. She remembers it taking awhile to truly understand that she had been searched. When the handsome rider asked if she would like to come with him, she almost fainted in surprise. Did she want to go with him?

The chance of becoming a dragonrider was every child on Perns dream. Oh yes she did want the chance, and perhaps she could even further her studies with the resident Harper. Saying her good byes to her family wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. She kissed her mother and told her for the 100th time that she would be in touch, and when she could she would write. Someday she promised that when, not if, she became a real dragonrider, she would come visit when they allowed her to.

So here she is with the other Candidates, learning and waiting for the day they would get their chance to impress an honest to goodness Dragon. She didn't think she was Queen material, but perhaps a blue one. A beautiful Blue dragon would be great. Ah one could dream of riding the beautiful colors, Truth be known, she would love any color dragon that would love her too.

Impression Story -It seemed that the brush of the angry bronze steadying himself upon the First Snow Egg reminded the dragon within that it needed to hatch so it began to rock and shake. A long crack finally forming along its length before a small portion of its shell finally fell free to show a wet, teal-blue nose sticking out and taking its first breaths of real, fresh air. He grew still once more, however, as it took his time tasting the air as if he was uncertain if he really wanted to leave the warm and familiar confines of the egg.

Shatara thought that if the rest of the hatchling matched that nose peaking out, he was going to be a beautiful color. It didn’t take long for the impatient blue to finish hatching in a shattering of his egg, pieces went flying everywhere making several Candidates duck. When the Blue was standing on the sands he seemed a bit lost. Blinking in the lights of the Hatching Cavern he looked first to his mother before stepping out to look for his.

Shatara stifled a giggle when the little blue turned around to stare at the sand that was sticking to his legs and belly. What surprised her the most was when he marched up to her instead of the boys. (Sh’ara-mine, I am ready to eat, but your Unciath has many questions – like why will this stuff not fall off my hide! It itches and I have decided that I do not like it sticking to me.)

“Are you really talking to me?” She asked softly. She couldn’t believe the hatchling was really talking to her. She filled up with love so fast and so complete it almost buckled her knees. Blues don’t choose girls, do they? If they did it was very rare. (Are you not happy with me Sh’ara-mine?)Unciath asked tilting his head to the side to stare at his chosen one.

“Oh my gosh, you ARE talking to me! Shatara declared as she fell to her knees on the sands where she wrapped her arms around the tiny teal-blue neck. “I am VERY happy with you Unciath. Let’s go feed you. The sand will come off you when you dry some more. But let me help you a little now so it won’t itch so bad ok?” She asked her hatchling as she leaned over and started brushing the sand off his drying hide.

(Thank you Sh’ara-mine I am ready to eat now please.) Unciath complained adding a small head bump to the girls chest to make his point. “Let’s go, she said standing up and brushing the sand off of her robes. Wait, what did you call me?” She asked before she could take a step. (Sh’ara-mine, is that not my riders name? It is what I am going to call you. It’s a proper name for MY Dragonrider. Unciath answered with a snort.

“It’s ok, I like how it sounds. Sh’ara. Its pretty.” she added as she put her hand on Unciath’s neck and turned to head off the sands. About that time Weirdo came down from where he had spent his time watching with most of the other flits. As he landed he chattered a greeting to the teal-blue hatchling. “Unciath, this is Weirdo. Weirdo, say hi to our Unciath.” Sh’ara introduced the pair as she walked. Weirdo made his way down the front of his person’s robes being careful not to scratch the girl, and nuzzled his new addition to his Weyr. Unciath greeted the little brown with a nuzzle of his own.

Dragon -
Name - Unciath (un see ath)
Color - Teal blue
Age 3
Personality - Eager -- The first to volunteer (be it lessons or chores or help)
Inquisitive -- He asks questions, lots and lots of questions
Knowledge-hungry -- The reason he asks so many questions, he is never satisfied with simple answers and wants to understand the WHY?

Coming into contact with this egg gives one a rush in mere seconds, the presence within seeming eager to prod and explore this new specimen that has crawled up close to its safe home. Seemingly thirsting for knowledge it will pry and poke at everything uninvited, almost overpowering the mind of the poor Candidate until it forcefully pulls away from the egg. By Faranth, such an inquisitive creature it is...

History - First Snow [Snow Leopard Egg]
Is a medium sized egg is perfectly straightly laid into the sands. With a similar faded baby blue tinted surface as that of the Snow Shoes egg, but perfectly proportionate and formed with a smooth shell, the First Snow egg really lives up to its name in looks. All around the shell is speckled with varying sizes of dots, all of a diagonal shape and facing the same direction. Really, it almost looks like someone had decided to paint a blizzard onto the young egg.

Coming into contact with this egg gives one a rush in mere seconds, the presence within seeming eager to prod and explore this new specimen that has crawled up close to its safe home. Seemingly thirsting for knowledge it will pry and poke at everything uninvited, almost overpowering the mind of the poor Candidate until it forcefully pulls away from the egg. By Faranth, such an inquisitive creature it is...

It seemed that the brush of the angry bronze steadying himself upon the First Snow Egg reminded the dragon within that it needed to get out with its brothers and sisters and it began to rock and shake again, a long crack finally forming along its length before a small portion of its shell finally fell free to show a wet, teal-blue nose sticking out and taking its first breaths of real, fresh air. It grew still once more, however, as it took its time tasting the air – as if uncertain if it really wanted to leave the warm and familiar confines of the egg. If the rest of the hatchling matched that nose peaking out, he was going to be a beautiful color.

He seemed to be hesitant to leave his egg and he was the last one to ‘hatch’ on the sands. He made his way carefully from his shell, stopping and turning around to inspect what had been holding him so long and sniffing at the goo that still clung to his hide. He seemed more interested and inquisitive at what was around him than actually impressing as he then turned his attention to the sand sticking to his underbelly and his forefeet.

Eventually he noticed how many eyes were watching him and the blue knew instantly which set of those eyes he had fallen in love with while still in his shell. Making his way over, he did not stop at the male candidates nearby, but continued confidently over to the girl Shatara.( Shatara-mine, I am ready to eat, but your Unciath has many questions – like why will this stuff not fall off my hide! It itches and I have decided that I do not like it sticking to me.)

Description - A very pretty Teal-Blue Hide that’s speckled with varying sizes of dots, all of a diagonal shape and facing the same direction, much like the pattern on his shell. Unciath is often fawned over.

Fire lizard -
Name - Weirdo
Color - The Odd Ball flitter is a lovely shade of chestnut brown. Most of his coloring is very even though on his belly he has a lighter patch of coloring that resembles the weird coloring on his egg.
Ryu-chan - This joyful little flitter loves to fly. And he loves to fly fast and recklessly. Diving into tight spaces where one wrong move would mean having a smashed flitter. He’s either very lucky or very skilled. Sometimes he is just a weirdo, hence his name. He has a weird quirk loving to make his person laugh.
History - Not much to tell, he was given to Sh'ara as a gift.
Description -The fire lizard’s arms and legs are both a little longer then normal, giving him the advantage of being able to push off the ground with more strength then most flitters. Until he reaches his full size, his flight will be a little awkward but once he stops growing he’ll get use to his longer limbs.

Name - Little Sister
Species -Firelizard
Personality - . Loving and friendly. Helpful.
History - She is a gift
Description - A small petite green the color of blue grass

Notes -

Re: Sh'ara of Blue Unciath & Brown Flit Weirdo &Gr Little Sister

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:16 pm
by Moon
Please fix this character's DOB and lack of personality.