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Character Folders and What is Found There

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:01 pm
by SyberJedi
Okay, I would like everyone to take a look at their character folders. You will see that there are three distinct sections to it. The first one is where your character sheets are located. It is divided into three sections- PC, PNPC, and Deceased. The PC section is for those characters that you tend to write a lot. The PNPC section are for other characters that you write occasionally. The Deceased section is where the sheets of dead characters are moved to.

The next area is called The Hatching Packet. It has two areas to it- Dragon Hatchings and Firelizard Hatchings. These areas are where Hatching Packets go when a character Impresses. So, if you have the privilege of getting to issue out hatching packets, they go into the appropriate section of the Hatching Packets in the Character Folders. The whole reason for this is because you can only have but so many PMs saved in your private message folder. If it gets full, you will not get any more messages. Since most people like to keep their hatching packets, it saves on space in the PM folders to have the Hatching Packets elsewhere. When a hatching occurs, please check the Hatching Packet area for packets.

The third section is a Personal Notes area. It is where you can keep notes for whatever you want to use it for. You are the only person who can access that area. Not even the admins can access that section without changing things to allow them access. The rest of the folder is accessible to all members.

Some members, by request, have a 4th section in their character folders- an area for dragon and firelizard character sheets.