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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:26 pm
by jackharper
Name: Wraith
Color: Bronze
Personality: Wraith is just a gentle giant. He does enjoy proving his strength and ability, but for the most part he is a teddy bear that loves to relax, sun himself, and get bathed. He loves being patted, scratched, and rubbed. Wraith is very tolerant of the little cousins, and gets sad when they fear his size. He is a tender hearted, sensitive dragon, but he is fierce and determined when it is required of him.
History: Hatched at Fort Weyr, Impressed to E'rik, moved to Star Stone Weyr as it was understaffed
Description: Large, even for a bronze, Wraith is a proud dragon. He likes to show off his strength and endurance in any way possible, even in Mating Flights. An even shade of bronze with the smallest flecks of gold that shimmer in the sunlight. Wraith has quite an impressive wingspan.