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Post by jackharper »

Name: Zahirith
Color: Green
Personality: Somewhat hyper, Zahirith is playful and bubbly. She is a little vain in her beauty, and has an edge to her that practically belongs to a Gold. Zahirith is always seeking adventure and new experiences. She gets bored easily, and tries to start games with firelizards, other dragons, and of course with Salire. Sabine entertains Zahirith’s need for entertainment as well. The green has a shorter attention span than most dragons, and has a bad memory for names, but a great memory, as great as a dragon’s can be, for events.
Zahirith has a very lovely soprano bugle that she trumpets in delight, roars in anger, and coos in sadness. Her voice is loud and can project quite well. She has great lung capacity, for a small dragon such as herself. Although Zahirith is small and fast, she can get into tight spots and out just as fast, her stamina isn’t as much as other green dragons. She is small, and with her large wingspan she uses more energy and muscle to keep her wings going, which wears her out faster.
History: Hatched at Igen Weyr, Impressed to Sabine
Description: This little green is on the small side, but she is quite beautiful. Her shimmery emerald hide is enhanced by the gold flecks that run through her entire body. When the sun hits her she sparkles and glows with pure beauty. Zahirith has less energy in flight, due to her small stature, but she behaves more like a gold than most greens ought too. Her vanity and edginess can get her in trouble. She has a fairly large wingspan for a green her size.
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