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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:30 pm
by jackharper
Name: Maeveth
Color: green
Personality: Almost the opposite of Shannika, Maeveth is very calm and serene. She likes to sunbathe, so the move to the desert made her very happy. Maeveth is a petite green, but she has enough energy to make up for that, even if it only comes in short bursts. When a mood of energy strikes her, Maeveth can't sit still, and she wants to get out of her weyr and do something, anything from swimming to walking, or even taking a quick fly.
History: Hatched at Telgar Weyr, Impressed to Shannika, now moving to Star Stone Weyr, partially as a disciplinary tactic
Description: Jade green with deep forest green veins running through her wings in spider web patterns, and pale green, almost white, swirls through her hide that make her look fluid when she moves. Small, even for a green, Maeveth is very maneuverable in flight, and can get in and out of tight spaces quickly.