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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:40 pm
by KBear
Name - Lohgan (Logan)
Gender - Male
DOB - 2/4
Age - 34
Location- Star Stone Hold

Personality - Trustworthy, hard working and goofy are his norm. If there can be a joke made he makes them, and if the joke is on him, he laughs as well. A decent sense of humor which he uses to his own gain doesn't hurt things either.

Strength and Honor are his standbys. He tends to think only of defending the Weyr from harm when he is on the job. However, he can let go when he should. Unlike many of those in his field, he is charming and sociable when he wants to be. A womanizer of sorts he probably has numerous offspring in the Lower Caverns which he attributes to a proddy Gold Dragon when he visits the Weyr. It's the excuse he uses anyway.

He knows of at least 2 kids, but there could be more. Several more resemble him but sense no one has come forth and given him credit he lets it be. Morraha is a girl and just turned 5 turns old, and Ryhan the boy is 7 turns old. It doesn't matter, he loves the kids too, all kids, even if they aren't his. It seems the kids like him anyway.

Sexual Preferences - normal, looooveees the ladies

Likes - Women, Flits, Glass working and a good glass of wine with a friend.
Dislikes - hates being alone.
Hobbies - Crafting Glass and wrestling are his forte. He takes time to train with all members of the little group he formed just for that reason, they keep each other up to par and physically fit. It's part of what makes him so good at handling the sometimes very heavy glass pieces he is commissioned to make.

Ambitions/Dreams - To someday be married. He wants a flit super bad.

Hair -Short Brown
Eyes - Hazel
Weight - 200
Height - 6'9"

Features - Lohgan stands about 6'9" Tall, his 200 pounds shows off his muscular build, dark skinned with brown hair that switches to short to long depending on his mood and what he is doing at the time. Usually, you will find it standing straight up and every which way. It's not like he doesn't try to keep it tamed, it just has a mind of its own. The only way he has found to tame it is to use some oil they use on dragon hides, but he chooses not to if he can help it.

His hazel eyes can pop at mischief or flash dangerously when crossed. Women say they can drown in those eyes when they turn sultry. He has a good sense of dress, usually. His favorite colors are browns and greens, anything that helps him blend into his surroundings when needed. But if putting on a bright face, he can get outrageous in the colors he chooses, but he chooses them for the shock effect more then anything. He might be considered an old buggar, but he didn't feel old, yet.


Character Model - Hugh Jackman

Mother - Lohrene - Baker
Father - G'gan - Brownrider (deceased)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - Ryhan boy, age 7
Morraha girl age 5

Craft - Glass Crafter
Rank - Master
Master -

History -: Lohgan grew up in a small family where his mother was a baker and his father was in and out of his life. Seems he came to do a search one day and spent the night, falling in love with Lohgans mother, or so he was told. Didn't matter to Lohgan, the thought of his father being a rider was good enough for him. His father moved them to the Weyr before he was born, and later died in training accident when Lohgan was 11 turns old. All Lohgan knew was he never got the complete story of what happened until much later when he over heard some one talking about it.

He never understood why a search dragon didn't find him good enough to be a rider. Disappointing as that was when he was growing up, didn't slow him down any. He apprenticed out to the Weyrs Glass maker and loved every bit of the work, from taking care of the Hold to working with any and all things glass. He grew up dependable and hard working.

One day when he got into a scuff with a lad that was bigger then he was it surprised him that he came out the winner. That’s when he learned he had a talent for wrestling. And when a glass crafter took him hand showed him how to make glass and beautiful useful and decorative things, Lohgan was a natural. They also practiced wrestling every day they weren't busy. It was the best part of the day for them both.

He won marks in both glass and wrestling contests too. He fought particularly hard at one when he was 22, the prize was a firelizard egg. He didn't know what color of flit that would hatch, but he never wanted anything so bad in his life. He won that egg fair and square beating even a dragonrider. Bruised and all but done in, Lohgan went and claimed his prize, the precious egg.

Never in his life did he dream that egg would turn out to be a Gold flit. He learned everything he could about the flits, how to feed them after hatching, how to oil and bathe and hopefully train them.

So the day the Golden Queen was hatched, Lohgan was ready with a plate of meat that was already cut up in small bites so the little hatchling wouldn't choke. She only lived a few days thanks to the Plague that was hitting all dragons and flits at the Weyr and Hold alike. Loghan misses his little Honey every day and hopes to someday earn another flit of any color.

Dragon - none
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Firelizard - (had a gold that lived 3 days then died of the plague.

Fire lizard -
Name - Luvy
Color - Green
Sire- Gunther
Dam- Ryu-chan
Personality -
History -
Description - a green so dark, it's almost black in color, with bright emerald green tabby markings.

Pets - none
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: Master-Glass-Crafter Lohgan of Star Stone Hold & Green Luvy

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:14 pm
by Moon
DOB is under the month and day of numbers... Please do not use Month names for Pern Standard. Also, there is no sign of character model name written anywhere near the image provided.