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Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:30 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - R'kal
Alias - Rashkal
Gender - male
DOB - 1/12
Age - 27

Personality - Honest and forthright. Loyal to his friends, and family.

Sexual Preferences - straight (Basically)

Likes - Ja'vosh, Shovan, having fun, pretty girls
Dislikes - liars and cheats, those who would do harm unto others
Hobbies - being the straight man to someone being the comedian
Ambitions/Dreams - to clear Ja'vosh, to win a Gold flight, maybe be Weyrleader

Hair - dark brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 220
Height - 6'6"

Features -

Character Model - Karl Urban

Mother - Rashna
Father - K'arl
Siblings - Kala (sister)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft -
Rank -
Master -

History - The oldest child of a Greenrider and a Bluerider, Rashkal grew up at Igen Weyr. His younger sister was a close friend of Insha, but he tended to ignore the younger girl. His life was typical for a weyrbrat. Things changed for him when a boy by the name of Janovosh arrived at Igen, found on Search. The boy was a prankster, and loved to pull practical jokes. He ended up becoming part of a group that included Janovosh, Insha, and Jhiatael. They were thick as thieves, sticking together. At least until Rashkal, Insha, and Janovosh all Impressed at the same Hatching.
Quataith was the first dragon to Hatch, along with being the first Bronze to Hatch from the clutch. He quickly chose Rashkal, who became R'kal at that moment. He then watched as Insha Impressed Green Auntoeth, and then, finally Janovosh's Impression of Bronze Quenath. Jhiatael was left standing on the Sands, much to the sadness of the other three.
After graduating weyrlinghood, R'kal was sent off to Eastern Weyr in the South, to recover from a bad injury. When he finally returned, Ja'vosh had left for Star Stone, Jhiatael was dead, and Insha wasn't talking. Then Shovan arrived, with My Brown Brother in tow, discovered on Search.
R'kal took Shovan under his wing, looking out for the Candidate as best as he could, befriending the younger man for his Ja'vosh's sake, then for the fact that he actually liked Shovan on his own merit. He did his best to protect Shovan from the troubles that came his way, just for being Ja'vosh's younger brother. When things got to the point where he could do nothing else, R'kal suggested to Shovan to transfer to Star Stone. He also suggested transferring to Insha as well, and decided to put in for a transfer of his own. Unlike his younger friends, R'kal was denied his transfer, leaving him stuck at Igen Weyr.

Dragon -
Name - Quataith
Color - Bronze
Personality - Devoted and loving, fierce to towards those that R'kal doesn't like.
History - From the same clutch as Quenath and Green Auntoeth. Was the first Bronze to hatch and Impress.
Description - A large Bronze, with ruddy tones that makes him almost copper in coloration. Has a gold mask, and points. His wings are somewhat long for his size, giving him an extremely clumsy appearance on the ground.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: R'kal, Admin NPC

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:51 pm
by Moon

Re: R'kal, Admin NPC

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:59 pm
by Talen