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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:38 am
by Talen
Name -Kisha
Alias -Ki
Gender -female
DOB -12/20
Age -20

Personality -she likes the outdoors more then indoors. she is a roamer she likes to move and cannot stay still without something to do to occupy her time Though in recent time she has calmed down and settled much more. she enjoys drawing and woodcarving.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - being outside nature and dragons
Dislikes - hateful people
Hobbies - drawing woodcarving
Ambitions/Dreams - to be a woman that her parents would be proud of.

Hair - blond
Eyes - blue
Weight -5'1
Height -110

Features - She has a heart shaped face. She has sandy blond hair and deep blue eyes. She is a skinny little thing with a very slim waist. She generally wears her long hair tied up or in a braid. She usually dresses in green pants and a pale green top with matching boots. She seldom wears a dress unless it for a special event or occasion.She usually carries around a flute that her father had made for her.


Character Model- Allison Mack

Mother - Kimora
Father -Ashan
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - harper
Rank - apprentice
Master -

History -Kisha he was born to Kimora and Ashan. Kisha always was a adventurous child. She was always running around and into anything and everything. Sometimes her parents would be at their wits end trying to keep up with her. Luckily her parents were blessed with two older children a boy Rashan and a girl Ishana. That was more able to keep up with their adventurous younger sibling. She was surrounded by beauty and music her whole life. She learned all the songs her father knew and sang them well as a child. That's when they knew she would follow her fathers footsteps. But things do not always go they way they where planned.Orginally she planned to move to learn more from the harper there. She was searched for a gold and plans of her future took a turn that none of her family foresaw.

Dragon -
Name -Corianth
Color - gold
sire/dam Tianiath and Apostelth
Personality - Very feminine, and aware of her power over males.
History - hatched from the Diamond tiny heart egg.
Description -Petite and dainty. A pale gold color with streaks that almost look white, almost as if sunlight were reflecting off of her.
Rises - twice a year

Name: Aya
Color: Green
sire/dam Gold flit Ryu-chan and wild bronze flit
Personality: a charming little green.
History: hatched and bonded to Kisha
Description: green as seagrass floating upon the top of the water.

Name; Momo
Color - bronze
Personality - Momo is a quiet little flit that tends to just perch on Kisha shoulder barely even making a sound. He tends to make people nervous how he just sits and stares at you. Unless of course you offer him food and he scarfs it down in a blink of an eye.
Description - His hide is a shimmering swirl of light and dark bronze that mingle together to for almost a wave type pattern on his hide.