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Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Quiller
Gender - male
DOB - 6/23
Age - 21
Location- Star Stone Weyr/ Sandy Foam Seahold

Personality - Devoted to those that he loves. Loyal. Protective of his brother. Willing to break the rules when the cause is true and just, or for love. Adventurous. Hard working.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - His older brother Quadelan, dragons, his girl.
Dislikes - nosy bodies.
Hobbies - helping breed runners
Ambitions/Dreams - To find the girl he loves, and to help his brother regain his memory.

Hair - light brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 230
Height - 6'7"

Features -

Character Model - Liam Hemsworth

Mother - Audren
Father - Quinlan
Siblings - Quadelan
Spouse -
Partner -
Children - Koller (son)

Craft - Beastcraft
Rank - Apprentice
Master -

History - Quiller hales from the same Hold as Daltan. Even though she was closer in age to his older brother, Quadelan, Quiller was still close friends with Daltan. He didn't care too much for her sister Tahnda, seeing Tahnda as being kind of bossy and prissy.
When Quiller was 14, he watched as Quadelan leave for Ista Weyr on search. Quiller remained behind with Daltan, keeping her company, since they both missed Quadelan.
At the age of 17, Quiller would be Searched at the same time as Daltan. Together they would go to Ista Weyr to Stand as Candidates. While there, he met a Candidate girl by the name of Meeko. She intrigued him, having seen more of Pern than he ever had. Quiller took the steps to get to know Meeko. And the more he got to know her, the more he started falling in love with her.
However, their budding romance ended up being curtailed when Meeko Impressed Capriath. Quiller was left standing on the Sands, not having Impressed. Still, he was resolute that he would not let a dragon come between him and Meeko. Capriath seemed to like him, which delighted Quiller. So he pursued Meeko in a somewhat different way. Unfortunately, Quadelan, now Qu'ade, was not thrilled with the relationship that Quiller had with Meeko. He told Quiller that he had nothing against Meeko personally, but was concerned about her family, and was afraid of what they might do to Quiller.
However, tragedy would strike before too much longer. The dragons of Pern keened the death of one of their own, and Quiller was called before the leaders of Ista Weyr. Quiller was told that Qu'ade and his dragon Saeth had been killed, and they weren't sure how. Quiller knew that Qu'ade was still alive somewhere, so he made plans to leave the Weyr to go look for his brother.
Before Quiller left though, he went and found Meeko. They shared a single night of passion, and then with a kiss and a promise to return for her after he had found his brother, before Quiller left the Weyr.
Quiller would search for months before he found Quadelan. His brother was suffering not only the death of his dragon, but a nasty case of amnesia as well. He would then nurse his brother back to health as much as possible, for not being a healer. Once Quadelan was well enough to travel, they would return to Ista Weyr only to discover that Meeko, and Daltan had left to the Western Continent and Star Stone Weyr.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Has a psychic awareness of Quadelan.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Quiller (WIP)

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Re: Quiller (WIP)

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Quiller

Post by Talen »

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