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Post by Talen »

Name - L'ndel
Alias - Tylendel
Gender - m
DOB -8/16
Age -21

Personality - Tylendel has always been a shy and quiet boy since he was little. He tends to be kind and compassionate. He can be very loyal to his friends and to people he trusts.

Sexual Preferences -bi

Likes - nature the outdoors
Dislikes - hate and being sick
Hobbies - whittling
Ambitions/Dreams - To do his best in everything he does. And right now to survive weyrling class.

Hair - golden blond
Eyes - green
Weight -155
Height -6'4

Features -Tylendel has long golden hair that comes down to the middle of his back. He usually pulls it back into a braid to keep it out of his eyes. His bangs tend to fall in his face all the time. They never were long enough to put back into the braid. His eyes are the color of light jade. His skin is light golden tan. He is tall for his age generally towering over most of his family. Most of his family was shorter and had to look up to him.

He also likes to wear clothing the colors of silver and dark blue. Which are his favorite colors so he tends to wear them a lot. Generally a tunic and pants with a silver belt slung over his hips. He wears a belt knife low on his hip As well as wearing soft blue boots on his feet. He sometimes carries a small knife hidden in his boots. (He never knows when he would be needing it.) His boots were designed with a special place to just slide in against the inside of his leg. It keeps it very well hidden from prying eyes since most people don’t know about it.


Character Model -Sebastian Bach

Mother - Radelle cook
Father -Tayren (dead)
Siblings - Adella (dead)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - dragonrider
Rank - weyrling
Master -

History -Taylendel was weyr born your typical weyrbrat. He grew up among riders and dragons and always wanted to be one just like his father. He lost his father early on in life due to a horrible training accident so he really didn't get to know much about him. He did hear stories about his father from others that flew and trained with him. His mother was a apprentice cook at the time he was conceived she was a flight moth. She was attracted to his father for a short period of time. She told him that it was the most memorable time in her life.

He had a older sister but she died as well of a sickness that had been going around. Because she was so young at the time it was a great tragidy. she left behind three children. But ty was only familiar with the oldest daughter. His mother was not able to recover from her deep grief. His sisters lost so soon after his fathers put his mother into a deep depression. She still went on with her life as a cook but little gave her joy after the lost of two of the most precious people in her life. She was not happy with him when he decided to become a candidate.


Color: Brown
sire/dam Kimilath and Nicorth
Personality melancholy though taciturn
History:Hatched from a Copper Plate Egg at Star Stone Weyr and Impressed to L'ndel

Tylendel watched as a brown the color of chocolate appeared and pulled himself from his egg. He watched closely as it looked right then left and then he could of swore the dragonette's eyes turned right to him. The dragon stumbled froward and ty quickly looked around to see who he was going to go to when suddenly the little dragonette stopped right in front of him. He peered up at tylendel with swirling eyes mixed with emotion and joy at finding his. L'ndel Mine I am Duriath and I am hungry. I wish food now. The tiny brown demanded loudly in Tylendel's head.I must eat my tummy is going growl growl. Duriath tried to make himself look pitiful but failed.
Ty blinked He couldn't believe it at first but he leaned down and embraced the brown and looked around his eyes filled with joy and wonderment as he says out loud to the others. "His name is Duriath. " Duriath reached up and took the sleave of the white robe in his teeth and tried to hurry Ty along. He was hungry and wanted to be feed now. His could talk to the others later. Food was much more important now. Ty had to chuckle as he moved away from the others following the instructions from the attending weyrling that lead them to the food. So he could feed his very hungry and determined brown.

Description:pudgy, with chocolate skin and a sharp-featured face

Name: Sai
Color: Gold
sire/dam Gold flit Ryu-chan and wild bronze flit
Personality:loving devoted and a bit consited at times.
History: newly hatched
Description: a shimmering shiny gold with lighter shades along the wings.
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