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Post by Talen »

Name -kyris
Alias -k'ris
Gender -male
DOB -8/1
Age -22

Personality -He is Loyal to a fault, good-natured, an endearing innocents, and a firm believer in justice. He believes that the distinction between good and evil is not hard to make, you just have to follow your heart . He is also somewhat childish in his mannerisms often at times, but he can get serious at a moments notice when the need arises.

Sexual Preferences - bia

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green
Height: 5’9
Weight: 130

Features -A slender young man with soft wavy shoulder length dark brown hair that occasionally falls toward his face. He stands currently at 5'9 and still growing. The wisps of bangs always fall into his eyes. He seems to brush his hair back behind his ear constantly in a nervous gesture. He has eyes the soft color of jade and they look kind and welcoming.He like to wear colors that either match his eyes or of the area around him that he will be in. His boots are usually a deeper darker color. He has a light scar above his left eye from when he was younger and got hit with a rock while playing in a area he wasn’t suppose to be in. Though it is barely visible unless you know where to look.


Character Model -Taylor Kitsch

Mother -Marissa
Father -Kayden
Siblings -Dais and Kari.
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft -dragonrider
Rank - brown rider
Master -

History -He was born on a hot midsummer night to Marissa and Kayden. He was born in the small cothold to the south of the Weyr. He was a quiet child ever since he was born. He was the youngest child of their union. He has a older brother and sister Dais and Kari. When he was younger he was fascinated by the dragons and he decided that when he got old enough he was not going to follow in his fathers footsteps. He believed deep down in his heart there was someone out there just for him. He watched and waited and dreamed of life outside the small hold he was at. He never lost that childish wonder and feelings even as he grew older.

When he was ten he was out playing with some the other children and got hit above the eye with a rock. There was much of a to do about it but they realized that it was just a accident and they patched him up. He ended up with a scar from it but it was barely visible if you didn’t know where you were looking.

He liked being around nature and the first ever knife he got he started to learn to whittle and started making small animals out of wood. It was more of a hobby then a profession though. One day a blue came to his home and made his wish come true it was a search rider and he had been chosen. His parents decided to let him go as long as he promised to keep in touch. Course he didn’t need to be asked twice.

He went through the long sometimes boring classes and waited for the day he would stand. It didn’t take long cause he was one of the last to arrive. He though his chance had come and went when the last egg started to rock. He couldn’t believe that the brown stumbled right over to him without even blinking. The bond was strong and sure and he never was going to be alone ever again.

Dragon -
Name -Rath
Color -brown
sire/dam Tianiath and Apostelth
Personality -The total opposite of K’ris. He is a bit loud and demanding. Has a bit of a temper and a stubborn streak a mile wide. He has no patients for diplomacy but least K’ris keeps him from falling on his face and keeps him cool and level headed.
History - His egg rocked and rocked and small cracks started to appear. The egg keep rocking and rocking as the cracks got bigger and bigger. Then without warning the egg shattered spraying everywhere at the other hatchlings and even out at the candidates as the wet dark brown stepped forth. As the wind started to dry the hatchling you noticed that he was more of a copper brown. His eyes scouted around the area and he started forward with determination. He already knew where he was going and he just had to get there. He stood in front of Kyris and the bond was made never to be broken. He had found his.
Description -He is a deep rich copper brown with lighter shades along his wings and his feet.

Fire lizard -
Name -mysta
Color -green
sire/dam Gold flit Ryu-chan and wild bronze flit
Personality -
History -
Description -
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