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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:49 am
by Talen
Name -Mikel
Alias -M'el
Gender -male
DOB -21
Age -10/13

Personality -He is kind of quiet and shy till you get to know him. He starts out being very ridged and set in his ways. He knows the way things should be and they should always follow that pattern. No one should ever deviate from that course. The female riders have certain dragons that they can fly and there are no exceptions to the rule. He likes music and dance though he rarely gets to do either in his busy life. Though after some time and training as a candidate his opinions changed and he became more his own person. Not just following in the shadows of his father and the opinions he was raised with.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes - his boyfriend K'dan
Dislikes - conflict
Hobbies - drawing, woodworking, collecting stories
Ambitions/Dreams - to be the best at what he does.

Hair: black
Eyes green
Height: 6’4
Weight: 145

Features -a tall slender young man with soft wavy long jet black hair that occasionally falls toward his face and green eyes. He tends to wear colors of blues and golds and occasionally green to match his eyes. Since it tends to bring out the green in his eyes. He wears brown boots and has a unusual knife that he wears on his hip a gift from his parents we he was chosen as a candidate.


Character Model -Gregg Rainwater

Mother -Mishara
Father - Ky'en
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner - K'dan brown rider
Children -

Craft -dragonrider
Rank - green rider
Master -

History - He was born on a shimmering moonlit night to Mishara and Ky'en. His mother and father were both in his life at the beginning and his father had high expectations for his only son. They both made time to spend with him even when their lives where very busy. His mother was a wonder in the kitchen (which is said to be why his father fell for her) and his father is a brown rider. He always believe that he would follow in his fathers footsteps. He has lived his whole life following the carefully set rules knowing just what is expected of him no more no less. Everything has its own rhyme and reason, or so he has been taught his whole life. They sure don't really know how to cut lose and just have fun.

His father had high expectations for him and was happy to find out that he had been choosen as a candidate. After much training and going three many candidate classes he went to the sands to stand and didn’t find his partner. He tried again a second time and that time he found his partner. It was a beautiful green who busts forth from her shell and chose him passing up many girls in her quest to find hers. He was extremely happy to have her. His heart was bursting for joy. Though his father was not very happy he expected him to be on a brown at least so his father turned his back on him. His mother of course told him to give his father time that he would come around. But they haven’t spoken since. He later transferred in to get away from his family and further his growth and education.

Dragon -
Name -Aeonth
Color -green
Personality -: She is hungry. All the time. In fact, when is in not occupied with other things, all she thinks about is food. But despite that, she is quick to find things funny and true to her coloring, she loves to swim
History -
Description -The color of a turbulent, kelpy ocean on a stormy day. Her wingtips fade to a lighter color, the color of kelp itself, and near her eyes there are patterns that almost look like ripples

Fire lizard -
Name - jin
Color -brown
sire/dam Gold flit Ryu-chan and wild bronze flit
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name - Zoi
Color -bronze
sire/dam Gold flit Precious and wild bronze flit
Personality -Bright happy flit. He will bring his little gifts from where evfer he finds them. He likes bright shinny things so don't be surprised if he brings you some one elses trinkets. Solid and larger then most flits, this little fella is perfect in proportion. He is fast and agile and wants to be friends with everyone.
History -hatched from Christmas Egg- Solid silver with no markings.
Description -Bright copper colored flit, bright and shinning like a new penny. There are no other color varations.