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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:53 am
by Talen
Name - Flora
Gender - F
DOB -10/1
Age - 15

Personality -
She could be a very serious child one minute and a playful sweet child the next. Her moods flowed over her like water. She loved nature and being with others. She greatly admired dragonriders and wanted to be one when she grew up. She could talk your ear off if you gave her a topic she knew a lot about. But she was strangely silent around big groups of people as if she almost feared to speak in large crowds. She loved her parents .

Hair: blond
Eyes: green
Weight: 87
Height: 4’4

Features -Her hair was -blond and very soft .The expression on her face was intent and serious. She was slender and pale. she always seemed to be constantly tucking back a straying twist of blond hair as the wind teased it loose. She had pale green eyes and delicate fair skin.


Character Model - Elle Fanning
Mother - Arein (journeyman harper) deceased
Father -: F’ldo (blue rider) deceased
Siblings -r Ando 6 and Lenora 4

History -:Flora is an orphan in the weyr. Her father was a bluerider who lost his life recently when his dragon was one of the first ones to die of the plague. Shortly after her fathers death her mother became ill. No one is sure if it was due to the lose of her mate or the sickness that she stopped eating and wasted away quickly she didn't even survive a quarter a turn after his loss. Her mother was lost to a sickness shortly after that leaving her alone in the world. But she is a strong child losing her father did not affect her as much as losing her mother. Cause of her father being a rider he wasn’t around much for her so she didn’t miss him as much but her mother had been there for her every day. She missed her gentle laugh and the stories she told. She has a younger brother Ando and a little sister Lenora. Both of who she finds to be very annoying and bothersome at times but she loves them both dearly.

Likes - bubblies, playing, firelizards and dragons
Dislikes - arguing
Hobbies - drawing
Ambitions/Dreams - she wants to be a dragonrider.

Fire lizard -
Name - Tsume
Color - bronze
Personality - vageuly dependent and Evasive. Which unconciously conceals being peaceful. He loves shellfish. He also
loves his persona and despises others coming close to him.
History - just hatched.
Description -A small bright bronze with a slender muzzle.

Crystal Sun egg- Green Anith
Color - Green
Sire- Apostelth
Dam- Tianiath
Description- Anith is a pale green color that borders on being white in coloring. She has bright, grass green tips on her wings, and a stripe that starts between her head knobs in an M pattern and goes all the way down her back to the tip of her tail. Like her sisters, Anith is tiny and dainty, a throwback to the first dragons in size.

Personality- Extremely intelligent, Anith wants to go to the stars. She want to know what causes their light in the night sky. She loves to spin around in circles. She is very much the baby of her clutch. She somehow manages to earn her way through things and yet, no one ever sees her practice with Hers. Anith is a bit sneaky with her intelligence. Acting coy when she thinks everyone knows what she's up to. She can often be found sleeping under the stars at the earliest opportunity.

Egg Description- This is a fairly large egg that is totally black except for the large brightly colored yellow circle on one side. The color seems to radiate outward from the circle making them look like waves of fire coming from the spot. One might suggest it looks like the Sun that warms Pern.