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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:18 pm
by jackharper
Name - E'rik
Gender - Male
DOB - 01/23
Age - 25

Personality - As a bronzerider, E'rik is expected to take his duties very seriously, which he does, but he has not lost his ability to have fun. He does enjoy physical relationships with several women, and the fact that his bright, handsome smile can charm almost any woman into his bed, only feeds his confidence and lust for more escapades. He is not a mean lover. E'rik would always do the honorable thing and be around if a woman were to ever bear his child. None have ever come forward revealing such information, but he still tries to keep good relationships, of the none physical kind, with woman he has met over the years.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - female greenriders, goldriders, showing off
Dislikes - Proddy golds and greens
Hobbies - bathing Wraith, there is so much of him to keep clean
Ambitions/Dreams - Likes where he is as Weyrsecond

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 234lbs
Height - 6'7"

Features - E'rik has straight, shoulder length blonde hair that he wears back in a ponytail most of the time. His eyes are liquid pools of icy sapphire. He is tall, and completely filled out, a substantial amount of muscle being distributed across his chest, through his arms, down his legs, and even on his world class butt. E'rik is very attractive, but then again, he is a bronzerider. His pale skin is not unsightly, but matches his blonde hair, eyebrows, and facial hair.

Generally wearing tight t shirts that show off his muscles, and long pants, E'rik is always ready for action, whether it be a workout, riding bronze Wraith, seducing women, or any other type of action he might encounter. He is not very quiet. His voice is a deep baritone that carries far, and E'rik has never beend afraid to use his voice. He isn't exactly self centered, but he is confident, and is pleased with how his life is going. There is little room for him to complain, and E'rik is usually the suffer in silence type, always putting on a good face and a good show for the public, so no one would know if there was something he'd want to complain about.

Character Model - Alexander Skarsgard

Mother - Aneka (kitchen staff)
Father - E'rin (bluerider)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - quite possibly

Craft - Bronzerider
Rank - Weyrsecond
Master -

History - Earik was born at Fort Weyr where his mother and father had him fostered, since they were too busy with their duties to raise a child. Being a generally mild child, Earik showed a vast intelligence, a vivid imagination, and surprised a lot of his elders by understanding things that were beyond his years.

At the age of thirteen, Earik Impressed bronze Wraith. Even at Hatching, Wraith seemed large for a dragon, and only got larger as he matured. From Impression, E'rik became very serious about his responsibilities. He did not want to let anyone down, including his father, E'rin, a bluerider at Fort Weyr. He often went out of his way to go above and beyond the call of duty. He knew that as a bronzerider he could potentially hold a very important position in the Weyr one day. His hard work paid off and he graduated first in his weyrling class, but he was still rather young, being sixteen.

When Wraith flew his first Mating Flight, and miraculously won, E'rik found himself in bed with a male greenrider. That was a pivotal point in his personal life. He responded to Wraith's needs during Mating Flights, but E'rik most definitely preferred woman in his bed. He began to become slightly frivolous with his affairs, but none of them ever ended on terrible terms, and he tried to be a gentle, likable lover.

After one particularly rough Mating Flight, in which Wraith won a junior queen in Flight, E'rik became very exclusively involved with the junior goldrider. They were, in a sense, Weyrmated, but it only took a few Turns for them both to realize neither of them wanted a monogamous relationship, and they happily went their separate ways. They remained close friends, but drifted some as they both moved into other relationships, no matter how short lived.

Encouraged by the prospect of more female greenriders, and even a few female blueriders, E’rik thought that transferring to Star Stone Weyr would be a good move in his favor, and Wraith’s. He put in his request, which was approved. Wraith and E’rik were both excited about a new home, and the possibility of going into space.

Name: Wraith
Color: Bronze
Personality: Wraith is just a gentle giant. He does enjoy proving his strength and ability, but for the most part he is a teddy bear that loves to relax, sun himself, and get bathed. He loves being patted, scratched, and rubbed. Wraith is very tolerant of the little cousins, and gets sad when they fear his size. He is a tender hearted, sensitive dragon, but he is fierce and determined when it is required of him.
History: Hatched at Fort Weyr, Impressed to E'rik, moved to Star Stone Weyr as it was understaffed
Description: Large, even for a bronze, Wraith is a proud dragon. He likes to show off his strength and endurance in any way possible, even in Mating Flights. An even shade of bronze with the smallest flecks of gold that shimmer in the sunlight. Wraith has quite an impressive wingspan.

Fire lizard -
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