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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:40 pm
by jackharper
Name - Shannika
Gender - Female
DOB - 06/06
Age - 25

Personality - While she can be pleasant, when she wants to be, Shannika is often rude, not really meaning to be, she just says what she thinks, and explains situations as she sees them. Brutal honesty is what she calls it. She is slightly self involved, thinking that she is a beautiful, smart, talented woman, which she is in several regards, but she is not humble about it in the least.

Shannika likes getting her way, and her temper is short, so when she doesn't get her way, or is just in a foul mood, those around her better watch out. She is not afraid to throw a few punches. She is irritable, and quick to become defensive in any situation. Thankfully Shannika has Maeveth to even out her temper and personality.

Her independence is a very strong quality in her personality. She never asks for help, even when she needs it, and she rarely seeks advice from anyone other than Maeveth. She likes to do things on her own and take care of herself.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Maeveth and Herself
Dislikes - almost everything and everyone
Hobbies - boxing/fighting
Ambitions/Dreams - Doesn't think that far ahead

Hair - Red
Eyes - Green
Weight - 182lbs
Height - 6'2"

Features - Her red hair is strait and long, almost unnaturally red, and although it is obvious she is female, she does not have voluptuous curves and round breasts. She is a good height, slightly taller than the average female, and she enjoys physical exercise. She likes running, swimming, boxing, and any other form of physically demanding, heart pounding, labor intensive activity. It is the only way Shannika can channel her rage.

Character Model - Rachel Hurd-Wood

Mother - Hanna (Flight Moth)
Father - Sh'kay (brownrider)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Greenrider
Rank - Wingrider
Master -

History - : Born at Telgar Weyr to a brownrider and a flight moth kitchen worker, Shannika grew up in a fostered family just outside the Weyr. Her childhood was fairly decent, although she was often in trouble for picking fights with her peers, and ignoring the rules of her elders. But Shannika wasn't an unhappy person.

At sixteen a blue dragon from Telgar Weyr Searched her, and she was taken to be a Candidate. At this time she met her mother and father for the first time she could remember. When she discovered her mother was a flight moth, and that was how she was born, Shannika rejected the woman, wondering how she could lower herself to a flight moth level. Shannika was far too proud and independent to ever consider behaving as such.

Her father, the brownrider, was easier to get along with, when he wasn't busy taking care of his dragon. Shannika found herself seeking him out for 'bonding' time when she had free time.

When she Stood at her first Hatching, Shannika Impressed the lovely, if not a little small, green Maeveth. The runt green never grew as large as her sisters, but she was large in personality. After Impressing, Shannika was consumed by her care for Maeveth. It helped distract her from her irritability and her defensiveness.

At the age of twenty, after graduating Weyrling Class, even though her Weyrlingmaster was disappointed with her disregard for rules and considered refusing to let her graduate, Sh'kay was lost Between with his dragon. Shannika had a small outburst of rage when she learned of her father's death. That was when she began exercising to channel her rage into a more productive outlet. Then, five Turns later, Shannika was disciplined for a minor indiscretion, and sent away from Telgar to Star Stone Weyr. She had somewhat of a reputation on the Northern continent, and Telgar was afraid other Weyrs would refuse her transfer.

Once moved to the West, Shannika backed down from her normal, rude, proud, defensive behavior for a while. The adjustment was something to get used to, the different climate and all, but within time she began to gain her old irritability back, and it seemed she would be a terror to anyone that crossed her in a negative way.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Maeveth
Color: green
Personality: Almost the opposite of Shannika, Maeveth is very calm and serene. She likes to sunbathe, so the move to the desert made her very happy. Maeveth is a petite green, but she has enough energy to make up for that, even if it only comes in short bursts. When a mood of energy strikes her, Maeveth can't sit still, and she wants to get out of her weyr and do something, anything from swimming to walking, or even taking a quick fly.
History: Hatched at Telgar Weyr, Impressed to Shannika, now moving to Star Stone Weyr, partially as a disciplinary tactic
Description: Jade green with deep forest green veins running through her wings in spider web patterns, and pale green, almost white, swirls through her hide that make her look fluid when she moves. Small, even for a green, Maeveth is very maneuverable in flight, and can get in and out of tight spaces quickly.

Firelizard: Deceased
Name: Lucien
Color: Bronze
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Precious
Personality: This flit is a pest, practical joker and cut up. His bad habit is shiny bobbles; they are his no matter who they belonged to when it was found. Finders Keepers is his motto. He loves to be the center of attention. Human and Flit alike.
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, special friend to Shannika
Description: True bronze in color with a few interesting patches of different shades of bronze throughout his body. In the sunlight one would swear there are faint orange, red, purple and pink dapples along his ribs, but on closer inspection you can‘t find them. The white polka dots on its left flank really stand out. He is small for a Bronze although not of an unheard of size and has a rather average build.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Foster Mother- Mara (Healer)
Foster Father- Jenon (Beast Healer)