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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:49 pm
by jackharper
Name - Dakoda (D'koda)
Gender - Female
DOB - 05/22
Age - 18

Personality - She is the equivalent of a Wrangler, only she rides dragons instead of horses. She is a rough and tumble girl, not afraid to get dirty, and always liking to be in the middle of any action. She isn’t afraid of hard work or physical labor and is always willing to step up to take on extra duties when her peers are not. Dakoda worked as a Metal smith when she was younger, in her father’s forge, and she has her own belt knife that she made, which is unique and one of a kind. She always wears it at her side. She is not particularly beautiful, but has a unique look to her.

Sexual Preferences - Lesbian

Likes - Iago
Dislikes - feeling so incomplete
Hobbies - none
Ambitions/Dreams - to get Iaeth back

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Green
Weight - 205 lbs
Height - 6'

Features - Tall and slim, D'koda displays some muscle definition in her arms, shoulders, and legs. She has shoulder length blond hair that is messy and unkempt. Her green eyes are soft and gentle. D'koda usually only wears pants, a leather jacket with a tee shirt underneath, and a belt with a large golden belt buckle, and boots.

Character Model - Uma Thurman

Mother - Makodi (Cook)
Father - Daytry (Metal Smith)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Metal Smith
Rank - Dragonless Candidate/ Apprentice
Master -

History - Born to a metal smith and his wife, Dakoda was not fostered, because the cothold her family lived in had an over population of children, and her birth parents were the only couple without any fostered children. She spent her childhood wrestling runners, taming them, and riding them. She was practically feral in her wildness. Her cothold, close to Oasis Hold, and a basic runner Hold, was far enough away from other Holds that Dakoda felt like she was in a wild environment with the desert around her.

As Dakoda grew up she had plenty of playmates. Dakoda had more habbits, hobbies, and tendencies like the boys her age rather than the girls, and as she grew into teenhood, she traded in her long hair for a short boyish cut, and began working with her father as a metal smith. She was very artistic with her work, and she increased her father’s business. When she was thirteen a man traveling through the cothold, he said he was a harper, gifted Dakoda with a necklace fitting for any lovely lady. Dakoda hated jewelry, but she liked the gift, so she took the necklace apart and put the gems into the hilt of a special belt knife that she still carries.

Dakoda was searched when she was seventeen. She was not among the youngest in her Candidate class, but she showed great determination. Dakoda was always willing to fill in where others wouldn’t, she was stronger than most of the girls, and some of the younger boys, so she could help with their work as well. Dakoda was slightly shy around the other girls, and as she began to discover herself at the Weyr, she began to learn that this discomfort stemmed from a deeper attraction to women than she had thought.

Dakoda found that boys and men held no sexual attraction to her, they just made great friends, but girls were the opposite. Too shy to admit such things to anyone, Dakoda spent her Candidacy fearing that someone would discover her secret.

When she was finally given the chance to Stand Dakoda Impressed blue Iaeth She changed her name to D’koda, contracting it like the boys. She felt it suited her more.

In only a few short months, Izaeth fell ill with a plague that seemed to be tearing apart the Weyr and the Weyrlings. D’koda tried to convince the young blue to keep fighting, but Iaeth gave up and died in his rider’s arms. She has been a distraught and broken person since.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Iaeth
Color: blue
Personality: demanding of D'koda's attention and time. Was shyer of other dragonriding pairs than His.
History: Hatched at Star stone Weyr in the Double Diamond Clutch. Died of plague soon after hatching.
Description: light blue with deeper undertones and a deeper mask.

Name: Verith
Color: Green
Sire: Nicorth
Dam: Kimilath
Personality: Bossy and a brat. Except when it comes to her person. Verith is devoted and loving.
History: Hatched from an Opal Ice Egg at Star Stone Weyr and Impressed to D'koda
Description: Grass green coloring, with white tips, and stripe down her back, starting in an M pattern on her head between her head knobs and going all the way down to the tip of her tail. A large Green, the size of a small Blue.

Name: Iago
Color: Blue
Sire: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
History: Hatched to Dakoda after her beloved dragon's death.
Description: Light blue with a deeper blue mask

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