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Post by jackharper »

Name - Sabine
Gender - Female
DOB - 03/22
Age - 21

Personality - Sabine does not know that she is beautiful or rather she doesn’t really see beauty as a power or as a life defining attribute. She has the looks of any high class, high status, socialite, but it doesn’t matter to her. She does not hold her beauty over anyone as a way to get what she wants, in fact, she generally ignores compliments, wanting people to see her as more than just a pretty face and a nice body.
Shy on the outside and when getting to know new people, Sabine is an introvert that stays in her comfort shell where she feels safe. Once she begins to get to know someone on a deeper level, she will let herself become a little more open and outgoing. Sabine doesn’t want to be liked for her looks, so she doesn’t open up unless she feels that the person is seeing more of her than the exterior. She is an innocent type.
Sabine is maternal by nature. In the Farming Cothold she grew up in, she often spent her time fostering orphaned animals, or caring for her mother’s human patients, learning a lot about healing and herbs. She took on an apprenticeship as a Healer and would later become a Journeyman Healer. Sabine doesn’t have a cruel bone in her body. She is tender, gentle, and patient. She never raises her voice, her temper doesn’t exist, and she is rather soft spoken. She is always ready to lend a helping hand, and she enjoys motherhood very much. Practically selfless, Sabine doesn’t know what it means to take for her own selfish purposes. She has spent the majority of her life giving, and now with a dragon and a son, she knows nothing of greed.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Motherhood
Dislikes - too much attention
Hobbies - motherhood
Ambitions/Dreams - being able to balance motherhood and being a dragonrider

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 130lbs
Height - 5'4"

Features - Golden blonde hair cascades down her shoulders to her mid back; her eyes are dark, dark brown, almost black, standing out against her semi pale skin. Sabine is beautiful. She has legs that go on for days, a pale complexion that doesn’t look sickly, but simply refuses to tan, and just the right amount of curves for her body type. Her body rounds into lovely breasts, slimming out at her waist, only to round out again into a lovely round rump and delicious hips. The perfect hourglass figure that looks slightly mature for a girl of her age.
Standing at five foot, two inches, Sabine is on the short side. Her lack of height does not diminish her beauty or stature in any way though. She is lovely enough to turn heads almost every time she enters a room, and has the ability to win hearts with her pale, plump lipped, smile. Sabine usually wears dresses and other flattering clothing, unless she is in her riding clothes.
After four Turns of being a dragonrider, Sabine has become muscular in her legs and arms, although it does not take away from her slenderness. And the fact that she had a child at a young age didn’t seem to affect her figure in the slightest. She is obliviously beautiful though, not understanding peoples’ fascination with her.

Character Model - Sophia Myles

Mother - Sabay (Journeyman Healer)
Father - Ibine (Master Healer)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - Salire (4)

Craft - Greenrider and Healer
Rank - Wingrider and Apprentice
Master -

History - Born to a married couple in a small Cothold, Sabine was raised around healers. Even as a child she stood out from her peers, being a more mild tempered girl, never throwing tantrums or fits, and always being agreeable, or at least avoiding conflict. Her early childhood was lonely, because she had no siblings, but by the time she was seven she had made a few close friends that she felt she could be herself around.
Once Sabine hit puberty, her world changed. She was no longer a sweet young girl that could get along with everyone, she was a potential wife. Any males she had spent time with as a child suddenly became potential mates. Sabine noticed how differently she was treated because of her looks. Even at the young age of twelve, she decided to only be friends with the people that looked beyond her beauty. Sabine was still pleasant and polite to everyone, but she was painfully shy around them.
At the age of fourteen, Sabine was Searched. She was brought to Igen Weyr where she completed her Candidacy, and eventually was able to Stand at a Hatching. Sabine Impressed green Zahirith. Zahirith was a determined little green, making her way halfway across the Sands just to find Hers. Impression was unexpected by Sabine, but certainly welcomed. She had now become a member of the female riders on fighting dragons.
Throughout her Weyrlinghood, Sabine followed every rule meticulously. She really wasn’t the type to act out, cause problems, or look for trouble. It was also difficult for her peers to sway her into trouble with them. She was not little miss goody two shoes, Sabine simply didn’t have an urge to act out or act ‘wild.’
Zahirith was injured in a training accident when the Weyrlings were learning to go Between. Sabine was fifteen and Zahirith was 1.5 Turns old. The green and Sabine spent a lot of time with a Dragonhealer, the son of an offworld scientist, named Talire, who was visiting the Weyr from The Station. Sabine was enthralled by the charm of Talire, and she broke that oh so important, no sex during weyrlinghood taboo. Sabine was still young and still learning how to cope with her emotions and hormones of a growing young woman. Talire was older, but he had been blinded by the male need for satisfaction and conquest, blinded by the beautiful young lady before him, and despite the fact that he was learning to work with dragons, Talire was still new enough to be ignorant to the sexual maturity rules of dragons.
This was a trying time for Zahirith and Sabine, as Zahirith was confused about the sexual behavior, she was on the cusp of being sexually mature. The dragon and rider were at a difficult point in their relationship. Sabine tried to explain to Zahirith about the emotions and the physical act, but Zahirith couldn’t grasp it because she had no instincts for it. Although they were bonded for life, the pair found communication to be harder than ever, and Zahirith seemed to distance herself from her rider in confusion, and even in mental shock. Sabine felt terrible for what she had done to her dragon, the green didn’t understand, couldn’t, and Sabine felt like she had abused her by behaving as she did knowing Zahirith wasn’t old enough.
Sabine was unsure if anything would ever repair her relationship with Zahirith. When she found out she was with child, her despair deepened. She told Talire, but he refused to take responsibility for it, knowing that he could get into trouble for doing what he had done, and knowing he shouldn’t have. Salire was born nine months later after Sabine turned sixteen. This seemed to be the event to bring Sabine and Zahirith back together. Zahirith was fascinated by the babe, and with her own very strong maternal drive, Sabine and Zahirith rebonded over the birth of the boy, and the trials they would face together in the coming weeks.
Sabine was held back from graduating, as she had to wait until Zahirith was fully healed to begin making up her lessons, and then once she found she was pregnant, she had to stay grounded for some time, as going Between would kill her unborn child. Once she made up every lesson, Sabine graduated at the age of eighteen with a slightly over two turn old son and a dragon of four Turns.
After graduating, Sabine was treated differently than her fellow riders because of her lack of judgement as a Weyrling, because she chose to raise her son herself, and because she was a woman on a dragon. Finally she was given an opportunity to visit Star Stone Weyr for Healer Training. After her arrival the plague began to break out, so her visit became a permanent transfer, at least until the plague issue was solved.

Name: Zahirith
Color: Green
Personality: Somewhat hyper, Zahirith is playful and bubbly. She is a little vain in her beauty, and has an edge to her that practically belongs to a Gold. Zahirith is always seeking adventure and new experiences. She gets bored easily, and tries to start games with firelizards, other dragons, and of course with Salire. Sabine entertains Zahirith’s need for entertainment as well. The green has a shorter attention span than most dragons, and has a bad memory for names, but a great memory, as great as a dragon’s can be, for events.
Zahirith has a very lovely soprano bugle that she trumpets in delight, roars in anger, and coos in sadness. Her voice is loud and can project quite well. She has great lung capacity, for a small dragon such as herself. Although Zahirith is small and fast, she can get into tight spots and out just as fast, her stamina isn’t as much as other green dragons. She is small, and with her large wingspan she uses more energy and muscle to keep her wings going, which wears her out faster.
History: Hatched at Igen Weyr, Impressed to Sabine
Description: This little green is on the small side, but she is quite beautiful. Her shimmery emerald hide is enhanced by the gold flecks that run through her entire body. When the sun hits her she sparkles and glows with pure beauty. Zahirith has less energy in flight, due to her small stature, but she behaves more like a gold than most greens ought too. Her vanity and edginess can get her in trouble. She has a fairly large wingspan for a green her size.

Fire lizard -
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