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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:57 pm
by jackharper
Name - Salire
Gender - Male
DOB - 01/07
Age - 5

Personality - Salire is calm, much like his mother, and shy too. He is reluctant to interact with the other weyrbats, but he loves firelizards, and they seem to like him too. Perhaps it is because he is still so young and innocent, and fun to play with. Salire is still developing into his deeper personality, but he definitely shows signs of being strong willed, and possibly even bronze rider material.

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 58 lbs
Height - 2 1/2 ft

Features - Blonde hair like his mother and blue eyes like his father. Salire has little dimples when he smiles, and his cheeks are still a bit chubby with baby fat. The boy is a little small for his age, but he is starting to lose his baby weight and gain actual muscle mass.


Character Model- Jack White (Older Salire)

Mother - Sabine (Greenrider)
Father - Talire
Siblings -

History - -Born illegitimately to Sabine and Talire, Salire is still young and, even though he has been moved from one Weyr to another at such a young age, and has been raised by a single mother with a dragon, he is quite adaptable. Salire has eyes that suggest he knows more than he should for a boy his age, about his surroundings, and the situation his mother has inadvertently put him in. He is just reaching the age where he is curious about where his father is, where the male figure in his life is, but Sabine is reluctant to talk about Talire.

Pets - Would love a dog!

Likes - dogs, dragons
Dislikes - cats, horses
Hobbies - playing with Zahirith
Ambitions/Dreams - become a bronzerider