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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:02 pm
by jackharper
Name - E'then (Endothen Darwin)
Gender - Male
DOB - 07/09
Age - 16

Personality - Unlike his sister, Endothen does not strive for attention. He is content with letting Athendora be the attention getter. He is a bit quieter, always sweet and friendly, outgoing, like his sister, but always polite never rude, and often acts as a leash for Athendora.

Sexual Preferences - Gay

Likes - quiet, Athendora
Dislikes - drama
Hobbies - reading
Ambitions/Dreams - Not to be separated from his twin

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 157lbs
Height - 5'11"

Features - Standing the same height as his sister, with the same hair, only cut short to his head, and the same deep eyes, Endothen is, like his sister, pretty average, if not slightly shorter than most men. He generally wears shades of white, off white, grays, and blacks. Particularly liking loose t shirts. Endothen blends in with his scenery more than Athendora, but he still has his ways of being noticed.

On his chest Endothen has a tattoo of a half circle of spikes running from shoulder to shoulder and connected by a curved line. He also has an arm band made of of several zig zagging lines on his left arm.

Character Model - Alan Hyde

Mother - Aletha Darwin (Sat at Home Mom)
Father - Ethan Darwin (Space Ship Repair)
Siblings - Athendora
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - History: Born on Amodeus VII Endothen was the calmer, more rational, deeper thinker of the two. He could keep up with Athendora, and he did on a daily basis, but he was much more subdued than his sister.

When they got slightly older, Aletha, their mother, and Ethan, their father, thought it would be best to separate them and try to expand their social groups. Unfortunately that was a bad experience, as Athendora and Endothen became very, very depressed and secluded themselves even more. They withdrew from everything around them, and it wasn't until they were reunited that the twins began to be playful and happy again. Their parents never tried to separate them again.

When Ednothen got hurt, it was Athendora who cried. They generally got sick with the same thing at the same time, and they knew each other so well, by body language, facial expression and so forth, they could often interpret what the other was thinking or feeling.

Endothen was more creative with his hands than with his mind. He liked to sketch and draw scenes from different planets, or what he imagined they looked like, while Athendora was the one who made everything up in her head and could imagine it as vividly as it it were real. Sometimes Endothen enjoyed sketching out a scene that Athendora relayed to him from her own thoughts.

When they turned thirteen, their parents got a divorce, and Athendora and Endothen were afraid they'd be separated again. To make the decision easier on their parents, the twins asked if they could accompany a voyage to the planet Pern that was leaving in a few days time. They considered themselves old enough to take care of themselves, and as long as they were together, everything would be fine. They could go to Pern, pick up a Craft, and start their lives off right.

After much debate, fighting, and arguments, Ethan and Aletha decided that their children could go to Pern and pursue their own dreams. Upon their arrival to the Dragonweyr Station, the twins were sent to the actual planet where, instead of picking up a Craft, they became Candidates for the next Hatching.

Name: Craibianth
Color: Blue
Sire: Nicorth
Dam: Kimilath
Personality: A gentle soul for a dragon, almost feminine in manner, especially for a Blue.
History: Hatched from a Copper Wave Egg at Star Stone Weyr and Impressed to E'then
Description: Mottled sky blue dragon with dark blue points and mask

Pets -
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Species -
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Notes - Born on Amodeus VII