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Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:01 am
by jackharper
Name - Valko
Gender - Male
DOB – 05/04
Age – 19

Personality - Rugged, falls down, gets back up to try again until he succeeds, no matter how painful the fall. Curious. Tests his own limits, not afraid to take risks. Keeps his heart locked away. Tends to deny his emotions, all of them, but as tough as his exterior is, he is quite sensitive, which is why he protects his heart so carefully. Very smart and technical, although doesn’t usually apply himself to those skills. Not huge on socializing, but can fake it in a crowd. Logical and rational thinker.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes – Being active, computers, horsing around with friends
Dislikes – Drinking alcohol in any form, loud people, people who are unlogical and irrational
Hobbies – Skateboarding, computer games
Ambitions/Dreams – Make a difference to someone somewhere, although that dream is a secret he keeps in his hidden heart.

Hair - Black
Eyes - Brown
Weight – 220 lbs
Height – 6’4”

Features – Shoulder length black hair, dark, dark brown eyes with femaninely long eyelashes, high, angular cheek bones, dimples when he smiles, smooth face. Six feet and four inches tall, lean, but with defined muscles.

Character Model- Kit Harington

Mother – Anneka (Potter)
Father – V’lendor (Bluerider)
Siblings – One older sister, very strained relationship, they don’t get along and avoid each other if possible
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children - None

Craft – Computer Craft
Rank - Journeyman
Master -

History – Valko was born in Star Stone Hold. His mother and father had a long distance, Hold to Weyr relationship for many Turns, resulting in his sister’s birth and his own. Even as a child he and his sister never got along. She resented him, thought he got more attention, and constantly tried to get him in trouble and do mean things to him. This feud of sorts carried into young adulthood. Valko would be content with ignoring that he has a sister, and just live his own life, but she always has a way of intruding and upsetting him.

At eleven Valko began to Apprentice in the Computer Craft field. He was smart and learned a lot, and found a love for computer gaming. He continued his apprenticeship not only to learn more about computers and technology, but to develop his own games to entertain himself. While being rather introverted, Valko got bored and annoyed with socializing with his peers fairly quickly, so computer games seemed like an escape.

Through his teen years, Valko learned a lot about love and life. He was seriously involved with a young Hold girl for three years, and he loved her very much. He went away on an extended trip to the Northern Continent to help with some tech problems. They kept in touch with letters. The Hold girl began to say that she didn’t think she would be able to stand being long distance much longer. Valko wrote her saying that he loved her and wanted to ask for her hand in marriage. Before his letter arrived she had written another to him saying that she had found someone else and they were due to be married in a month’s time.

For many years Valko was no himself. To have loved someone so blindly and trusted her with his heart. He unintentionally locked his heart away to let it heal, but even after it healed, he never let it reemerge for fear of getting broken again. It was easier to appear insensitive to the world, than to risk getting hurt again.

For as long as he has been alive, Valko wasn’t the type to give up easily. If he had set his mind to something, he wouldn’t stop until the task was complete, not matter how many times he failed, or fell down, literally and figuratively, he would keep getting up and trying again. He sets goals for himself and won’t stop until they are accomplished, but generally he sets small goals to build up to bigger one. He doesn’t make things unrealistic, he takes steps towards the bigger picture.

At nineteen Valko left his Craft when he was Searched and brought to Star Stone Weyr. He arrived mere days before the Weyr was captured by Space Pirates and has been imprisoned and tortured, a toy for Enid and her crew, since.

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Notes – Was an NPC candidate character for Enid plot, but with permission from Moon, I am trying to swap Valko for the Five Bronzes plot.