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Between Time Betweening

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:06 pm
by KBear
I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to learn or discover how to between times too ...

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:12 pm
by SyberJedi
It's possible. Lessa did it after all. No matter though, you have to write it out. It can not be learned from the song "Lessa's Ride".

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:20 am
by Talen
its most likely would be discovered purely by accident and it could be doubtful that the person and dragon survived the experience
that's why it was dangerous for weyrlings in training/ for them just doing betweening and thats without timming it adding timing would make it more dangerous and not a feat that the young ones could master at all an even a fifty fifty chance of a experience rider not making it no withstanding the complications and risk to health and wellbeing of time travel or deleting your own exsistance and possibility of make a alternate future by going in the past. going forward is safer but still unpredictible.
There would be a timing sickness cause you body cannot go threw time without harm we were not made to go like the dragons are. But even so the dragons could have side effects of timing it as well. and no telling what it could do to the mind.

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:32 am
by Moon
Valid points and something I failed to do with Ta'yo. Is it too late to correct those mistakes?

Let's use the character I mentioned as a further plot descriptor. Caeanonth is a full grown dragon of 4 turns. His rider is considered a Weyrling because he is 11. He Impressed at the age of nine. His timing it Between times is a mistake he made after looking at a picture taken at this time frame from someone's dragon. This Rider will remain in mystery until we figure out who it was or is. Regardless, Ta'yo had enough of a visual that during a moment of unnamed events he was forced to go Between. His future is 11 turns from our current Weyr activity.

Now, if I screw up, the verbal contract between me and SJ states that Ta'yo will be gone, deleted, dead. There will be no recovery for him. He could even end up not even being born.

If you want your character to go between times you'll have to agree to the same standards I did.

Yup. We actually have unpublished rules on it... Who knew? :p

Further notes, we should continue discussing this plot because it does have a bucket load of good ideas, but we must also be aware that Timing it Between Times can affect our current Board Canon.

Make sense?

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:25 pm
by jackharper
If I recall correctly from the books, if a rider and dragon Betweened times to a time they already existed, they would become confused and disoriented, and the longer they stayed the more stress they felt. How would that be beneficial to the weyrlings and other escapees if they are trying to plan a strategic take back of the Weyr? They will need to be thinking smartly and clearly, which seems impossible when two of you exist at one time.

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:28 pm
by jackharper
Not to mention, many of the Dragonets can't even fly yet, and just found out they are capable of betweening on the ground and haven't tried it yet. Would it be remotely safe to ask them to try moving through time?

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:40 pm
by Moon
Nobody considered going forward? ..... hehe.

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:46 pm
by Moon
Seriously though. We should hammer this out. You guys willing to help us set up a Canon forum set of rules? While we finish out this plotting thread.

It's already happened once. There is every chance it could happen again.

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:31 pm
by KBear
Thats whT i was thinking, im sure someone oops and did so corward and ba k. A. Ouple of anns books mention this one or two gold riders riding another riders good for the sole purpose of timing it forward and back during their sickness with persons a nd Dragons. They lost some but gained much needed TIME to heal and raise the dragonetts before they returned to help restock the Weyrs with healthy older dragons. They traded with traders and snuck back and forth for supplies and other personel when needed.

they kept it secret until th e info was needed to tell the other weyrs. Why couldnt it be possible to have some of our holds. Cooperate with them in secret....Remember, janothen and Starstone hold has a huge cash znd A'miri and A hilleth are hiding in plain site there.

any way its a suggestion

Re: Between Time Betweening

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:37 pm
by Moon
First rule of thumb we use....

You must recite a reason your character knows about between in times. The second is Annes books are not reason enough. You may not use lessa as a reason or any other rider from her books.