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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:14 pm
by jackharper
Name - D'rew Broderick
Gender - Male
DOB - 12/26
Age - 20

Personality - Compared to most of the other Pern inhabitants, D'rew is quite the oddity, with his physical appearance, as it is very offworld like, and with his wacky personality.

D'rew doesn't necessarily crave attention, but the way he acts often gets him attention. He is flamboyant, not generally caring if he gets stared at for his choice in clothing and other tastes. He is one hundred percent an individual, and likes to flaunt the fact that he does what he likes whether his peers think it is strange or not. D'rew is a rather happy person. He is usually in very good spirits, and he is somewhat of a jokester. He definitely stands out in a crowd.

He has trouble sitting still, or standing in one place for long, always full of energy, and always on the go. He has a few classic ADHD characteristics.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Pern, Space, Piercings
Dislikes - his parents
Hobbies - stirring up trouble
Ambitions/Dreams - Weyrleader, once he has matured enough

Hair - Black
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 215lbs
Height - 6'2"

Features - Shoulder length, straight hair the color of ebony, contrasted beautifully by his shockingly ice grey eyes, and standing out against his pale skin, D'rew is, to several men and women, quite lovely looking, more beautiful than handsome. He is average height with a very thin, lean build. His hair is often unkempt and messy, always framing his face yet being hard to tame.

D'rew acquired a lip piercing from his life on Melorica, and always wears a silver hoop through his lower lip. He has also been known to wear some eye makeup, thick, black rims around his eyes that only enhance the seemingly unnatural frosty look of his eyes. He likes to wear black, generally black is his color. He has a few tattoos, some on his arms, and a few on his chest.

Character Model - Andy Biersack

Mother - Amy Broderick (Intergalactic Ambassador)
Father - Christopher Broderick (Intergalactic Ambassador)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Born on Melorica to his very loving devoted parents who were part of an ambassador group that tended to travel to different planets regularly, D'rew was never settled in one place as a kid. He visited several different worlds, but his home was on Melorica. His parents dragged him around, showering him with love and affection, and encouraging him to become whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted.

Once he turned nineteen, D'rew put a stop to being dragged around. He enjoyed seeing other worlds, but he wanted to find a place to settle in and start his own life, that didn't involve the ambassador group of his parents.

The nearest inhabited world where D'rew could be left was Pern, and he was taken to the space station. While waiting for a transport back to Melorica, D'rew went down to Pern for a visit, and he was Searched by one of the dragons. His curious side got the better of him, and D'rew decided to stay and Stand.

At his first Hatching, D'rew Impressed bronze Phyreth, and his fate was decided for him. He couldn't leave Pern, nor did he want to, now that Phyreth was his lifemate. They were moved to the Dragonhold Station for their Weyrling training, which they are currently in the middle of.

Name: Phyreth
Color: Bronze
Sire: Apostelth
Dam: Tianith
Personality: Still young, Phyreth is adventurous, and fun loving. He loved D'rew and is completely and loyally devoted to His. They make a great pair. Phyreth has a lot to learn, and hasn't shown any outstanding personality traits yet.
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, Impressed to D'rew, never hesitated when picking His, D'rew was the one he wanted even before his shell fully cracked.
Description: Molten dark bronze with lighter red bronze streaks that look like fire in the sunlight. Very metallic.

Fire lizard -
Name: S'more
Color - brown
Sire- Little Lord
Dam- Stitch
Personality - Likes to pounce, and somehow always manages to get into places he doesn't belong seemingly impossible places for hi to get, and that take D'rew a long time to extract him from. He can easily be compared to a farile cat in manner, a little bit insane, high energy, and always doing crazy things. S'more does show a decent amount of affection to D'rew and Phyreth though.
Description - a light milk chocolate color, topped with whipped cream.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Born on Melorica