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Post by Talen »

Name –S'jin
Gender - male
DOB – 5/1
Age - 20
Location- Fort weyr

Personality –:He cares for people about their thoughts, feelings and well being. He is loyal to those he believes in and in those he feels he can trust. He guards his heart carefully almost as if he had been hurt in the past and doesn’t want to feel that pain again. But he would walk through fire for anyone that he knew was a true friend or companion. His heart is only mirrored by his gentle and shy nature.
He enjoys being around nature and being alone with his thoughts. He can be in a room and it'll be unlikely anyone even knows he is there unless he speaks out loud in his gentle and quiet manner. His voice is soft and almost musical and he never seems to raise it in anger. He seldom gets angry with anyone. But if you hurt someone he cares for then it’s like another person emerges and you have a vicious animal on your hands. But he enjoys being around people and listening to them but he doesn’t always participate with others. He tends to hold back a part of himself as if afraid of being hurt.
He seems to be unsure about himself and his skills as if he questioning anything and everything he does. It may be because he is away from everything he knew and his world and family. He’s afraid to touch anything again for fear that this too will be taken from him as was his mother at a tender age of six. As if it would be stolen from his grasp as he reached for companionship. He sometimes watches others and sighs wishfully wanting to belong even as he is fearful to belong. His fears weigh heavy on his heart for he misses his mother. But his kind and gentle nature cannot bring him to hate or even people. He tends to watch others more then he talks being highly observant. When he gets nervous his messes with a wisp of hair that keeps getting into his eyes pushing it back and sometimes he rubs his hands down his pants legs when he get overly nervous usually around women. He tends to be more comfortable around men then women. His kindness knows no bounds and no limits. His heart has no room for the emotion of hate though he can feel it he dislikes the feeling so much that he avoids it at all cost. He cares deeply about others what they think and how they feel. When he cares for someone he throws his whole heart into it. But that tends to sometimes be a bad thing as well cause it leaves him open to being hurt deeper. Caring can be a double edged sword. But even with the risks he still throws his whole heart in. He would risk his life for someone who earns his devotion. He can be very loyal as well to those who have earned it. As loyalty and devotion walks hand in hand without one you cannot have the other.His shyness sometimes makes him very unsure of himself. He wishes sometimes that he could be a joiner and join in. Its a weakness that he struggles with cause of his caring nature. He wishes to belong but his heart must also be protected so he remains aloof.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes - dragons: He has always liked the grace and beauty of the dragons in flight. And the exquisite colors were a inspiration when he dyed his leathers.
Nature: He loves the quite and tranquility of nature and all that it enfolds. Sometimes things seem not so bad when you can amerce yourself in nature.
Tranquility: He enjoys the quite of a midsummer's eve just sitting back and not doing anything. Like the water washing over his very soul and cleaning away the stress and worries of the day.
Dislikes - bigots: people that think they know what is going on and what your about. They have no clue even about their own selves to be able to tell what is up with you.
Being alone: He dislikes being alone. Its something that he both dislikes and fears which is to be alone and have no one. Though he does tend to seek solitude and silence in a natural setting and likes to sometimes be on his own for a short period of time there is still a deep need to be connected to another.
hate: He dislikes the feeling of hatred inside and tends to avoid it in himself no matter how bad thing look he liked to see a more caring and positive side and not give in to the dark emotion of hating someone. Though he can get angry and want to hurt someone for harming someone he cares for.
Hobbies – Exploring nature looking for plants and berries to test and make new colors.
Ambitions/Dreams - he seems to be unmotivated. He has no drives or ambitions other then trying to find the perfect dye color.

Hair - shoulder length wavy dark bronze colored brown
Eyes - jade green
Weight -137
Height – 6’1

Features - His eyes are the soft color of jade and they look soft, kind and welcoming. He has the kind of eyes that many a man or even a woman can get lost in. He has an oval shaped face which make him look almost angelic in nature .His hair is a dark deep bronze colored brown which hangs down to his shoulders in soft flowing waves. The wisps of bangs always work loose and fall into his eyes. He seems to brush his hair back behind his ear constantly in a nervous gesture. Physically, he could be considered handsome being both tall and muscular with a toned athletic body. His hands are rough and callused from the work he does with the leathers because he always works hard with them. He stands currently at 6'1 and still growing. He also has a light scar above his left eye from when he was younger and got hit with a rock while playing in an area he wasn’t supposed to be in.
Dressing Style: He prefers to be in leathers most of the time when he is working. He prefers to wear rich colors that either matches his eyes or matches the area around him. He tries to dress to impress when he wants or needs something. His boots are usually a deeper darker richer colors then his clothing.


Character Model – Drew Fuller

Mother: Essie, (deceased)
Rank: Sr. Journyman Seamstress
Father: Jamine,
Rank: Master Tanner
Siblings: sister Esmine
Spouse- n/a
Past Lovers/Partners: n/a
Current Lovers/Partners: n/a
Children: n/a

Craft – Dragonrider/Tanner
Specialty: dyeing leathers
Rank – Sr. apprentice

History - Seijin was born to Jamine and Essie . He has a elder sister named Esmine who was born three years before him. So she was three when he made his appearance. At first he stayed with his mother at her work while she keep him occupied with various items so he wouldn’t’ distract her from work. His mother died when he was still young (6) losing her affected him and made him more withdrawn and timid in nature. He was closer to his mother then his father at that time but later one he grew closer to his father. His father became withdrawn for a short period of time after the loss of his beloved. But he soon got it together for the sake of his children and moved on. Then he started taking lesson with the other children with one the traveling harpers where he learned many songs about dragon riders. He began to show interest in his fathers craft so at ten the apprenticed him out to one his fellow tanners. He showed an aptitude for making colors so that became his specialty. At fourteen he became a senior apprentice growing in both skill and determination as he flourished in his father craft. Unfortunately It seems that is where it ended for that year he was searched for a dragon and taken to the nearest weyr that his hold was beholding to. And that is where he stood and was chosen by a dragon. It was a beautiful hatching and many were chosen. His weyling Master was stern and to the point teaching high protocol and duty above all else. When they graduated he was sixteen his was picked for a smaller wing due to his dragons smaller then normal size for his coloration. Thinking that their size would be a hindrance but they proved them wrong that even though he was smaller then his color mates that he still could roll with the big boys.

Dragon -
Name - Tasselith
Color -Green
Sire- Ingtoneth
Dam- Nimalenth
Personality -– This green tends to be very reserved almost meek in comparison. she won't argue with others giving in most of the time and letting them win. The only time she would fight is if her rider was in danger or feared for the rider.she rarely shows interest in anything but the beauty of nature and her rider most of the time.
History - Sei had leaned down and righted the young green and spoke to her softly. His eyes meet the greens watching her eyes whirl and heard the dragons name flutter into his mind almost as soft as a gentle breeze so when he spoke he used the dragons name “Tasselith.” His voice was soft and gentle as he spoke the name aloud. He asked why the hatching was afraid and promised to never let the her down. He meant those words deep from his heart as he cradled the beautiful green in his arms. He saw from the corner of his eyes the other hatchlings moving off the sands. He heard the cry of hunger from his own precious greens belly as it rumbled and lead her off the sands to be feed. The bond was formed and they learned and grew together threw the weyrling years till at last they graduated. Though both were still pretty shy throughout all their training but they survived. Finally it was time to step out on their own and they were going to a new place.
Description - this dragon is one of the smallest green in the Weyr, a good foot shorter than even the smallest green. This greens runty size is the source of much teasing though she don't let that bother her but if you can look beyond that she is very well formed. Her mind voice is Smooth and airy, most times it sounds like she isn't sure of what she is saying or even realizes that you're listening almost a timid like voice both unsure and uneasy.20
Last edited by Talen on Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by SyberJedi »

Poll for dragon color is up.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by SyberJedi »

Oh, I approve this character.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by Talen »

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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by SyberJedi »

"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
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Re: S'jin old school dragonrider

Post by Moon »

weight is needed
I will EDIT! :o
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