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Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:56 pm
by Bladesong
Name - Trisrengent .... Tr'gent
Gender - Male
DOB - 5/26
Age -21
Location- Eastern Weyr

Personality - tends to be out going and with an easy to get along with personality. But when alone has a tendency towards introspection and self reflection.

Sexual Preferences - Hetero

Likes -likes to create things especially out of metal or gemstones much like jewelry or finely crafted weapons. Also enjoys the opportunity to read if and when he can get hands on a book.
Dislikes - bullies, as well as intense heat or uncontrolled fire.
Hobbies -jewelry making, and art, as well as writing.
Ambitions/Dreams -for the first part of his life his dream and ambition were one in the same to find away free of the home that he had or at least the circumstances he had within it.

Hair - medium brown with red, blonde, and black highlights. Worn slightly long on the shaggy side
Eyes -turquoise blue
Weight - 165 lbs
Height - 6'2"

Features - he has shaggy long hair and bright wide eyes matched with an sharp high cheekbones with light scarring around the edges of his face the more prominent marks are the burn scars that are climbing his wrists to his shoulders of his well muscled upper body with faint scars across the pectoral muscles and across his shoulders ad upper back.


Character Model -Nicholas Hoult

Mother - Trisenella
Father - Gentronick
Siblings - Rothgent 24
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Metal smithing
Rank - Junior journeymen
Master -

History - Trisrengent grew up in a minor craft tall not far from some mines which minerals and ores they processed. Both of his parents were metalworkers training him and his older brother in the art of metalwork. Growing up the younger brother he often was bullied by the older children, and the brunt of a lot of their pranks. One such prank during a test to become qualified as a journeyman was his brother in several of his friends sliding some of a volatile form of firestone ore into his forage creating a hotter flame that exploded catching his arms chest and back in flames permanently scarring.
Later that year when his brother was selected on search for an upcoming hatching candidate his entire family was invited to watch the hatchet to see if his brother impressed. At the time of the hatching while Rothgent stood dressed in candidate white upon the heated Sands eyes intent upon the eggs his family many yards behind him watching. Many yards away from where the candidates stood a large egg splits right in half down the center and as the Dragon had stumbled out weaving back and forth obviously looking For Its Match stumbles towards Rothgent's family. Rothgent seeing the hatchling rushes forward trying to force an impression between him and the Dragonette. Going so far as to place his hands upon its body pushing backwards away from the edges of the heating sands. Trisrengent feeling confusion rushed forward calling " No You can't force the choice it's its choice and it doesn't choose you"as he knocks his brother away from the hatchling, then once more he feels the familiar sensation of being pummeled by his older sibling. Feeling the heat from the sands rising up under him and the pain of his brothers fists crashing down here is a cry of rage and feels a wave of anger opening his eyes he sees the face of the Dragonette pressing close and hears within his mind mine are you okay?

Dragon -
Name -Kunzeroth
Color - Brown
Sire- Broiathojth
Dam- Eiendarth
Personality -caring and protective of those it or his cares about, but also has a very curious nature about those around it.
History -at the time of attaching it looked around for its special one going by instinct alone wonders towards the edge of the hatching ground only to be surprised at the feel of some one pushing it away from where it long to go. Only to feel the one it sought ran towards it calling out " no you can't force the choice it's its choice and it doesn't choose you!" Then seeing the one who had tried to rescue it being beaten by the one in white felt an incredible rage fill it up shrieking out in anger used the side of its head as well as its powerful wings to push and throw the attacker away. Peering down at the one upon the sands send the thought " Mine? Are you okay??"
Description -has a lovely even coloring on the body gets upon the wings arms and legs and on the underside of the tail has a dappled coloration that has a similar look and pattern to the burn marks the cover its Riders arms in lighter and darker shades of brown.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - this role is being done in the style of a old-style Dragon rider trained at one of the nuclear of the wires on southern continent.

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:13 pm
by Moon
An intense fear of fire? I see a plot developing here. Alright, while I'd prefer to see a couple more personality flaws I'm going to sign an approval. Would you consider spacing sentences out to three or four a paragraph? Large paragraphs are harder for me to track and read with the type set we use on the forum. :p

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:32 pm
by Bladesong

Thanks he probably does have more flaws But they just haven't shown themselves to me as yet. and I shall do my best to do better with my Paragraphs

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:48 pm
by Moon
Thank you for your patience. I'm looking forward to his future in the forum.

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:41 pm
by Talen
looks interesting to me
i'm sure he probably has some hidden flaws deep in his mind

couldn't find a good character model ????

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:00 pm
by KBear
This sounds interesting
i aprove

Re: Tr'gent

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:39 pm
by SyberJedi
Poll for dragon color is up.