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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:25 pm
by jackharper
Name - Phoenix Brynn
Gender - Female
DOB - 05/22
Age - 23

Personality - Somewhat of a temptress, Phoenix has the most beautiful slitted brown eyes that her lids hang over lazily and nonchalantly as she often looks bored and indifferent. Her indifference is sometimes what draws people to her. She is a little aloof in her behavior, but only because she is usually deep in thought, plotting on how to seduce the people around her. She doesn’t only seduce for sex, she also seduces people into doing things for her that she doesn’t want to do herself. Her subtle prodding can get almost anyone to do her favors without them realizing it

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Whisper, Sianth
Dislikes - Feeling incomplete
Hobbies - none
Ambitions/Dreams - Reimpress

Hair - Brown
Eyes - brown
Weight - 100lbs
Height - 5'1"

Features - Rather short, Phoenix is light in weight, and her tanned skin looks lush and warm. She has a strong chin, she is not the most physically attractive girl, but her eyes and demeanor can capture any ones attention.

Character Model - Kate Beckinsale

Mother - Martha Brynn (Spce Traveler)
Father - John Brynn (Space Traveler)
Siblings - Two older sisters
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
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Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Born on Gaia, Phoenix traveled as a young child to Pern. She does not remember her home planet, because her parents brought her to The Station as a child. She was raised in space, and at the age of fifteen descended onto Pern for the first time in her life. Her childhood was spent being picked on by her sisters, which later contributed to her ability to brush off almost any situation, and to act indifferent and bored with people and their problems.

The first time she remembered setting foot on Pern, the first planet she remembered setting foot on, she felt so heavy and dense. It was an unpleasant sensation for her. She began to apprentice as a dragon healer, because she was fascinated by the dragons that still managed flight in such a heavy environment. She learned as much as she could about the massive beasts that could still achieve flight, and moved up to be a Senior Journeywoman Dragon Healer by the age of twenty. At this time she was Searched and brought to Star Stone Weyr.

Once at the Weyr, Phoenix Impressed green Sianth and her world changed. She too could now achieve flight in a dense environment, and go back to space where she felt light and free again. Sianth was her life, completely. She dove into her studies as a dragon healer, and hopes to make the rank of Master one day.

Her life as a dragonrider had spent indulging in the pleasantries of being a dragonrider, in a sexual way, and in the influential way. Phoenix was never a fan of hard work, unless it had to do with Sianth and Dragon Healing. She didn’t really appreciate hard labor if she didn’t feel she was getting benefit from it, and she was a tad bit lazy, hence her always seducing people to do her favors.

When the plague hit Star Stone Weyr, Phoenix did as much as she could for the werylings losing their dragonets, and the adult dragons that were getting infected. It never occurred to her that Sianth might fall ill. When the green began to show signs of being ill, Phoenix fought hard to find a way to save her, the most hard work she’d ever done for someone else, but it was to no avail, and Sianth died, leaving Phoenix dragonless.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Sianth
Color: green
Sire: Apostelth
Dam: Tianiath
Personality: quirky and funny
History: hatched at Star Stone Weyr, passed away from Plague at age of two.
Description: Green

Name: Zheaonoth
Color: Green
Sire: Nicorth
Dam: Shoriath
Personality: Refers to herself by name. Sniffs the air, constantly. Motto is to 'Always approach love with reckless abandon.'
History: Hatched from Secret Response Constructed Bronze shaded egg at Star Stone Weyr. Impressed to Phoenix.
Description: Deep set green, her neck and belly are dappled with a dark emerald color that extends over the bottom of her wings. She is small in size, compact, appears to be mostly stomach with a tiny head.

Name: Whisper
Color: Bronze
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Precious
Personality: Bronze firelizard whose light peaceful coloring that switches to a much lighter color from his throat, under his belly and to the underside tip of his tail. He’s almost a sandy Bronze tone. His wing sails are also this lighter coloring with the wing ribs a slightly darker shade. This Flitter is a bit larger than his clutchmate but considered average sized for a Bronze, he has a more lithe build.
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, special friend to Phoenix
Description: A loving and serene firelizard he always knows when to insert his Bronze self into any given situation. He is no push over, but he is no bully either. This guy is a charmer and loves to show his ardent affection for ladies, human and firelizard.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
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Notes - Born on Gaia
Senior Journeyman Dragon Healer