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Post by Bladesong »

Name - Akira
Gender -Female
DOB - Unknown
Age - 15 to 16 she isn't sure
Location- anywhere she wishes ( Holdless)

Personality - cautios and gaurded. she trust very few but to those who earn her trust she would be willing to either die or kill for. extremely serious.

Sexual Preferences - un known

Likes - music, animals and the chance to learn. weapons and weapon skills. Things that are shine. And Food! ( will eat her self sick if she's presented the chance)
Dislikes - Holders or Lord holders. people of authority that she doesn't think truly work for what they have. being cold, hungry, or Lonely and seriously dislikes what she considers cruelty
Hobbies - who has time for those?
Ambitions/Dreams - to be part of something or at least no longer alone, yet longs for a freedom that those who have nothing including security don't have.

Hair -light brown or sandy blond depending on the time of season and her location
Eyes - slate grey
Weight -120 lbs
Height - 5'9"

Features - wide eyes and high wide cheek bones but has a Gaunt appearance due to the struggles of finding food to eat and safe shelter constantly. dressed in rags and cast offs of others that are often to short or ripped and patched over patches. her hair is long yet cut across the forehead creating bangs but is often snarled and tangled or a general mess. with shallow scars covering her hands, arms, legs and feet.


Character Model - Kirsten Prout

Mother -Tatianneya
Father -unknown
Siblings -none that she knows of
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - survival
Rank -
Master -

History - Born to a woman who was cast from her hold on the charges of extreme theft and found with the stolen items in her quarters was apprenhended while she was in the healers rooms mixing a poison to use on someone and was immediately cast from the hold with little of her belongings. most Taken to compansate those stolen from. after a few weeks of being holdless discovered she was pregnant.

When Akira would ask after she got old enough to understand that she was living different from other children and started asking questions such as where did Momma live before they started traveling was told "it doesn't matter. I won't return."
Seeing males travel with other women and children, even holding them and the affection they had for the kids at the gathers would spark questions of whats those men doing? Only to be told those are the children's fathers which was often followed by the normal questions like" where's my father?" " do I have a Father?" Akira would ask and be told " No"

Growing up with little to nothing where even the meal you eat had to be hard won and often fought for. Akira grew up depending on no one but herself feeling completely abandoned at the death of her Mother when she was approximately 9 turns in age. It was only Just Before the death of her Mother that she learned completely of the reason they were hold less and how the poison her mother was making was to be slipped into the wine of the woman her mother had yearned to replace. The wife of the Holder who she had loved but had not truly loved her but used her. with her dieing breath still refusing Akira the names she had asked for many times. Effectively blocking any chance to find Akira's heritage.

Traveling alone or following the trading wagons most of her education comes from the songs she hears when she slides into gathers or the skills she picks up in various area's of the Northern continent

She was taught to identify raw gem stones by Miners who paid her for separating them out from other stone with the use of meals and the occasional place to sleep depending on the weather, and learned other bits and pieces of craft the same way never staying some where for long unless it was in preparation of the cold seasons and even then she stayed only weeks at a shot. often staying in small caves that were barely big enough to hold a person or two.

she had even been used as a runner to earn marks due to her photographic memory for while she can not read she can reproduce drawing of anything she looks at with extreme accuracy

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard - 2
Name - Misting and West
Color - Green and Blue
Sire- wild and Unknown
Dam- Wild and Unknown
Personality -
History - found hatching while on a fishing trip with Da'vy rider of Blue North.
Description - Misting is an opalescent sea green. West is a sky Blue color with swirls of pale powder blue under tones

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -skills that she has and uses Hunting and tracking, she's very skilled little gets past her. Gathering plants and such very sharp she knows most food items. as well as a lot of things that are dangerous.

Healing she knows little mostly basic first aid, not much beyond that, most dangerous thing she's tried to handle in the medical realm is frost bite and how she knows to handle that is is to warm afflicted area's and keep people awake.

Crafts, minor abilities in sewing such as needle and thread stuff.
better at weaving braids and such again nothing fancy or decorative
and make crude dishes from clay and fire it. good fire building skills and such.
Good cook learned from traders and such.
Last edited by Bladesong on Sun May 31, 2015 7:53 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Akira

Post by Moon »

Alright. Right off the top you have a good start. However, I want to suggest a spell check software. In the first paragraph of history I want more detail. Who was her mother trying to poison? What continent and hold are they from? Where is your character now?
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Akira

Post by KBear »

I agree, and I like this person. sounds interesting
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Re: Akira

Post by Moon »

Much better. Approval is pending others.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Akira

Post by Talen »

very interesting approved
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Re: Akira

Post by KBear »

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