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Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:15 am
by KBear
Name - Naqita (Nah-key-ta)
Gender - Female
DOB - 11/16
Age - 24
Location- Southern Weyr

Personality - Naqita is a tough cookie. She has had to be. Raised with 5 other fosterling brothers she wasn't going to win if she was a sissy. And she has to win. Naqita is often pushy to the extent of being called a bully. She really isn't. She just knows what she wants and will do what it takes to get it. Well, up to a point. She won't lie, cheat or steal but she isn't beyond low blows if it gets her what she wants or where she wants to be. Naqita is a rough and tumble tomboy. It helps with her being a rider. She takes care of her own business, asks for no help and will often refuse help even if it is really necessary. She is quick to help if it's needed but knows how to get others to do her bidding. She can talk just about anyone into doing her chores for her. And she usually just doesn't bother doing them. She isn't lazy, she just hates work, play is much more to her liking.

sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Dragons, Dragons Dragons, and Flits. Children before a year old, and old people.
Dislikes - Liars, Cheaters, and thieves
Hobbies - Naqita loves to make blankets. Not weaving them but piecing pieces of old clothing cut into odd shapes and making it all fit into a warm, thick and comfy blanket. (quilts)
Ambitions/Dreams - Hopes to someday have children and possibly find a mate that isn't from the Weyr that will be with her and only her always.

Hair - Straight Black shoulder length hair with a blue tint to it when in the sunlight.
Eyes - Aqua blue
Weight - 160
Height - 6'4"

Features - Naqita is very thin, almost too thin. She eats because she has to, not because she wants to. She is border lines anorexic. Because she is so thin her face seems to have too many angles. Her skin is very pale which makes her hair and eyes really stand out. Her hair is shoulder length and her face is full with a light sprinkling of freckles. She has a beauty mole on the right side just below her full lips. She hates it. There is a set of scars that run across her right thigh. Four lines that were from a wild feline kitten she tried to catch. On her left arm, you can see four perfect round marks where a canine bit her when she was three for trying to play with its puppies.


Character Model - Angelina Jolie

Mother -
Father -
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - DragonRider
Rank - wingrider
Master -

History -
Naqita was born at Southern Weyr. She is the only child born. Her father was BronzeRider N'qit and her mother Nita, a Drudge at the Weyr. When she was a few days old she was put in the Creche and left there. Her mother returned to her family. Naqita has never seen her since. Her father visited and played with her the best as he could until he decided she needed to be fostered at a small CotHold where Weavers lived. Naqita was one of 6 fosterlings and the only girl.

Life was full of adventures in southern. Even though she is a pale skinned person, she never tans or burns. With her black hair and light eyes, it's quite a contrast that catches attention. She hates the beauty mark that's on the left side of her chin, she has tried before to get it off, it just doesn't work.

She learned to keep up with the boys in all things. She refused to let them know she hated baiting fishing hooks. When in competitions, she has to win. Even when it means tripping some one up. Since she was the only girl, she was quick to learn how to sweet talk everyone into everything, including her chores. They thought her cute and charming.

As she got older, she learned different ways of talking the boys into her chores. Naqita hates chores. If she can't talk some one into doing them for her, she refused to do them. Life was made to play and that was all that mattered.

No one could understand if Naqita was just using up all the food she ate, or if she was feeding the family canine her food. No matter what, the child always looked half starved. Too many hard angles and boney places. No fat on the child, just skin and bones. This would carry on into her adult years too.

When she was seven turns old, she was fishing and a small wild feline kitten came to investigate her fish basket. She managed to lure the kitten closer with tidbits. When the kitten realized it was being held it took off so fast it left four deep scratch marks on her right thigh. The after effects from the infection and healing process left her with a limp. After years of working hard, she managed to hide that limp unless she was extremely tired.

When she was three, she tried to play with the CotHolders canines puppies. She ignored the warning growls from the dam and all went well until the puppy let out a squeak. The mommy dog bit her hard enough to break the skin and draw blood. She dropped the puppy and went running for her Nan to help. Strangely the four fang marks are darker than her pale skin.

Naqita learned to weave at a young age, it really wasn't what she wanted to do. One day she was watching the Nan put a patch on her foster brothers pants she wondered if making blankets from scraps would work. The Nan agreed and set her with a pile of scraps. Since then a quilter was born. There are many blankets she made still in the Cache, the children still enjoy the fruits from her labors. She still has a few in the making at all times.

When she was 12 turns old, her father came to get her. She was brought to the Weyr as a Candidate hopeful. Life wasn't easy at the Weyr, but she soon learned she could talk some of the people there into doing her chores, but she was soon taught she had to do them herself. It wasn't long until there were eggs on the sands.

The surprise came when she was chosen by the last dragonette to hatch. A lovely dark green beauty. It was love at first sight. Roarath has changed her life completely. Gone were the days of shirking chores, she was more than willing to do them. She even found herself helping others with their chores and loving it. Roarath was the best thing to happen to her.

Dragon -
Name - Roarath
Color - Green
Sire- Queormoth
Dam- Naeingeth
Personality -
Roarath is just as pushy as the Rider this Dragon chose. If its right, its RIGHT! End of subject. If it's wanted, then it's gotten. If it's not wanted, it's refused. Where Naqita didn't eat, Roarath made up for. This one could eat more than what was needed. Naqita has to watch to make sure there was no over eating.

History -
Roarath wasn't in any hurry to hatch. Cracking the shell and letting in fresh air was good enough while waiting until all the others were paired and leaving the sands. Giving one huge effort, Roarath's shell went flying in all directions. There was no hesitation, Roarath marched straight across the sands and announced to all who attended that Naqita was the chosen one.

Description -
Beautiful shading of green color. The lighter shades of dappling that covers the flanks and shoulders glimmer in the sunlight like little eyes. Darker shading on the head knobs and knuckles match the ridge line that goes from crown to tip of the tail. Her belly coloring looks like it's been sprinkled with sparkles. Little pinpoints of bright color is what causes this coloring. There is no color change on the wing sails. Some Dragons have lighter colored membranes this isn't so on these green wings, they are just as dark as the true shimmering color as the body. Unusual to look at. A real eye catcher.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: Naqita of Roarath (Old School Rider)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:16 pm
by SyberJedi
Interesting. I like. *grins*

Re: Naqita of Roarath (Old School Rider)

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:24 pm
by Moon

Re: Naqita of Green Roarath ... Old School Rider ((REMASTERE

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:36 am
by SyberJedi
Approved. Again, need to add sire and dam. Information found in the poll's post.