
Main written characters.
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Post by KBear »

Name - Frostie (aka: Simon)
Gender - Male
DOB - 1/24
Age - 16
Location- Aboard ship

Personality - Frostie isn't mute by choice. He had a accident when he was 7 turns old and now it's very hard to speak. He has rarely uttered a word where another could hear. He is quick and agile on his feet. Can scurry up the lines quick as any old timer that's been doing it for a long time. He is honest and shy.

Sexual Preferences - undecided

Likes - The sea, Dragons and Dolphins and sailing
Dislikes - Sever storms, Pirates and Drunks.
Hobbies - Making whistles and playing them
Ambitions/Dreams - Hoping to be searched by a Dragon that won't care if he can't talk. He wants to take his turn playing his flute for a assembly in a Dragon Weyr with others.

Hair - black except for the very top of his head where the sun has bleached his hair, giving him his name.
Eyes - black
Weight - 140
Height - 5'9"

Features - Frostie has a face full of freckles. You would think he would be tanned but he isn't. He doens't have pasty white skin either. He never burns. He has a scar that runs from his right shoulder down across his back and stops just shy of connecting to his belly button. It happened at the same time he injured his throat. A near fatal accident with a drunk teasing a bull. He is short for his age but will soon catch up. He don't appear to have muscles but he is very strong for his size.


Character Model - Zayn Malik

Mother - Maylay - 30 - Milkmaid - deceased by plague
Father - Ransumg - 35 - Stablehand - deceased by plague
Siblings - none
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Sailor
Rank - Cabinboy
Master -

History - Simon was born late one night with just his father in attendance. He knew about birthing animals and decided it couldn't be that hard to deliver his son. Life was good but hard working in the stables. Good honest work. Simon was named for a off worlder that befriended his father. He had come in on a runner that was exhausted. He needed to get to the Station platforn as quick as he could. Ransumg gave this stranger his personal runner and sent him on his way. Emergancy it was, the man was on a mission and needed to get help. What that was, the stranger never said. But he had made an impression on his father.

Simon was 7 turns old when there was a accident in the barns with a drunk bully of a man that was working for the Holder at the time. Simon was hiding watching the drunken man have his way with a Drudge. Being 7 he forgot that he shouldn't be near the bull in the next stall. The Bull was curious about the small lad and ambled over to sniff him. When the bull blew his nose on the lad, he screamed in terror. The drunken man threw his bottle of wine at the sound and it shattered against the fence rail startling the bull who reacted by using his horns on the fence, catching the boy with his horn as he smashed his way free. Screaming again. Simon tried to scramble to escape and was pushed aside and his throat landed on the bottom fence rail.

The screaming abruptly stopped but it brought the drunk around to see what was happening. Yelling and waving his arms the drunk advanced on the bull. Simon blamed the drunk for his injuries and sense that day if anyone was drinking he would hide. Simon took a long time to heal. They sewed his jagged wound back together. He didn't have any real internal injuries from the bull goring just that large cut which left a scar. There was some damage to his throat. Simon couldn't talk right and sounded funny to the other kids. Simon decided he wouldn't talk at all unless he needed too.

Simon has been without his parents a very short time. He lost them when the plague was new. For some reason he didn't get the plague and did his best to help his parents. It was too late. The Lord holder was passing through and found him sitting on the stoop eating the last of the tubers. Taking note of the situation, the Lord Holder took Simon with him on his rounds. They stopped at the seashore where the Lord Holder left Simon with the Captain of the ship. So now Simon was the Cabinboy. As time went on his hair started bleaching out by the sun, making the tips lots lighter and giving him almost blonde hair. The Captain started calling him Frostie and it stuck.

One day when they made a landing for delivering supplies and taking on more cargo. Frostie was helping with the sorting of goods on the beach when the Captain approached him. Turning around Frostie found himself looking at a Blue Dragon, and that Dragon was looking at him. The Captain told Frostie he had the option of going with the Rider back to Star Stone Weyr and standing on the sands for Impression. It seemed the Dragon thougtht Frostie would make a good rider. Grinning from ear to ear Frostie gave the Captain a good fairwell and walked with him over to the Dragon-Rider. Once introductions were made, Frostie was helped aboard and they took off to the Weyr. He sure hoped no one would fault him for his voice.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by SyberJedi »

Let's get him finished, or declared abandoned.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by KBear »

What else besides a pictue does he need? He was made for rhte post of naming a ship ... i didn't ever hear what the name of the ship is...
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by Moon »

approved, needs 2 more
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by SyberJedi »

Approved, pending model and character image.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by KBear »

bump for talen or blaze or kitty

Please suggest sj?
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by KBear »

open for charactor suggestion
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by Moon »

If you want a young Impression, please present an original plot idea in this thread. Otherwise I'd like him to be a little older anyway. He should be between 14 and 16 Turns to be a Cabin Boy. It's about the same with an apprentice. Standard age for Impression is being regulated pending Administration discussion.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Frostie - Sailor Cabin Boy

Post by ThessKitty »

I would like to see a bit more detail in his personality section. Also not necessarily sure about the mute by choice thing. It feels a little "special snowflake" to me. It could possibly be fine if played out well, but it usually comes off as a way to give your character a "disability" that actually doesn't cause them too many problems and can potentially be fixed at any time if you end up wanting to get rid of it. Instead, why not have him get some sort of injury that leaves him with damaged vocal chords so it's hard to talk? Or have that gut wound do some damage that leaves him less physically able that others? Also I know the aesthetically pleasing scar thing with his hair is where he gets the nickname from, but I've never been a big fan of things like that as they feel a little too cheesy anime to me.
Most of this is just my personal taste, so take it all with a grain of salt. I could very easily be wrong and you could make a great argument for leaving those things as they are! I'd just like to see a bit more about why having them makes him a better character rather than just being things added to make him seem more "special".
(If I'm taking giving these reviews on characters too seriously and need to be less picky just tell Moon and SJ to sit on me lol)
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Re: Frostie - Candidate

Post by Talen »

I used to work in the school system with a girl who was diagnosed as a selective mute she only whispered to her family she never spoke out-loud. she was picked on by her teacher in class and then stopped talking she wouldn't even talk to other kids in her class. The teacher did a number on her self esteem. So a mute by choice can happen but it always involves something traumatic that bull thing would of fit the bill but oh well it already been changed.
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